improve the crane please now really sucks in pvp

  • Guindastes não precisam de nenhum buff ou mudanças feitas na classe. Crane é um tipo de classe muito original e eles podem lutar contra qualquer classe e sair por cima se forem jogados corretamente. Aqueles que não dedicam tempo a aprender a turma e os combos são aqueles que irão falhar na aula. Pela minha experiência, as únicas classes que podem causar dificuldades são o Karma e, às vezes, o Plasma, devido a todas as suas habilidades principais, é difícil conseguir a habilidade antes de você ficar atordoado novamente ou ter pulado na sua habilidade com o Shout Stun. Houve também buffs disfarçados para guindastes, pelo menos imo. Tornar a vida de Sk roubar energia é um grande impulso para os espiritualistas, especialmente porque há muitas pessoas jogando SK em OB. Guindastes são semelhantes ao espadachim de uma forma também, Eles não podem ser interpretados por simplórios que querem tudo fácil sem pensar taticamente. Na mesma nota, assim como o Espadachim, eles são caros para se equipar, porque você vai depender muito de muita oposição. Lutador / sm / sk / karma etc.

    Todas as classes que já joguei rodaram meus itens no meio da luta, a fim de antecipar o movimento de meus oponentes para ganhar vantagem, então eu não tenho certeza do que faz você pensar que isso é apenas para guindaste. Aqueles que não trocam de itens e agitam com 1 set todos os lutadores são os que geralmente perdem.

    the game has no defense, and the blocking is bad, and Crane has a way of having a game, but she's a nerfaram class, if you ask me to do a calculation on thounsand = 70% of skill because you're giving 30% ?

    I think the game is about to reform

    and that if they had in the Guard but they did not have utility, she broke the guard but has no use, game is missing certain functions !!!

  • Cranes do not need any buff or changes made to the class. Crane is a very unique type of class and they can fight pretty much any class and come out on top if played right. Those who do not put the time into learning the class and the combos are those who will fail at the class. From my experience the only classes that can give them a hard time is Karma and sometimes Plasma due to all there main skills having a cast time its hard to get the skill off before your stunned again or they have jumped through your skill with Shout Stun. There has also been buffs in disguise for cranes at least imo. Making Sk's Life Steal Energy is a massive boost for Spiritualists especially since there are so many people playing SK in OB. Cranes are similar to swordsman in a way too, They can not be played by simpletons who want everything easy without thinking tactically. On that same note just as Swordsman they are expensive to gear because you will rely on tanking opposition a lot. Fighter/SM/SK/Karma etc.

    Every single class i have ever played i have rotated my items around mid fight in order to anticipate my opponents move to gain the advantage so im not sure what makes you think this is just for crane. Those who do not change items and rock up with 1 set all fight are the ones who usually loose.

    Bro, please listen you and others crane has a buff called agile armor which is totally useless with the defense rate cap 20%, why we leave it like that useless?

    It needs a change like i said.

  • If you fix the bosses, in the guard, Soul and Strenght , the dodge and hit rate. No one would complain about the game.

    Guard,Defense Rate,Counter attack, Taunt, Break guard, Soul and Strenght

    the dodge rate is pretty easy to fix.

    int hit rate = get hit rate; (who is hitting)

    int dodge rate = get dodge rate; (who is caught)

    int Total Sum = dodge + hit rate // is 100%

    float ChanceHitRateValue = hit rate * 100 / SumTotal;

    and then rotates a random number from 1 to 100 and compares if if less than the number of ChanceHitRateValue it hits, if greater than ChanceHitRateValue it misses the target.


    (500 hit rate

    1000 dodge rate

    33% chance to hit, 66% dodge)

    (1000 hit rate

    1000 dodge rate

    50% chance to hit and dodge)

    2000 hit rate

    1000 dodge rate

    66% chance to hit, 33% dodge)

  • Bro, please listen you and others crane has a buff called agile armor which is totally useless with the defense rate cap 20%, why we leave it like that useless?

    It needs a change like i said.

    You're reccomending that crane gets that buff changed but you're being biased towards crane because ulti has the exact same shit. Why won't you recommend both classes to get the defense rate changed Instead of one. Also you went from talking about Crane needing a stun to Defense Rate....

  • Suggestions on what kind of changes I believe Crane needs

    With the way DBO Crane functions right now, aside from extra damage on their Fan out skills/Rapid/Spirit ball weapon upgrade's meaningless for Crane. Sure with a +15 fan as Siren/Sendoku have demonstrated you can kill MAs pretty quickly without the use of the DoTs, however most players that you'll be encountering on Solo budokai are SKs, Dendes, DWs, and sometimes Turtle Hermit rendering weapon upgrade to be as viable as dex is for Turtles. I personally believe Daneos should make Crane DoTs work in a similar fashion as Bold strike's bleed does, "279% Bleeding damage". That way Crane's aren't so overpowered that they can completely bypass their adversaries defense and kill them, while at the same time giving them an incentive to upgrade their weapons. I think thousand slashes should stay the way it is right now, if you want it to pack a strong punch use power rp as Daneos intended Cranes to do. The point of Cranes in pvp is play defensively while slowly draining their opponents health, they've already got a debuff that cuts a portion of their opponents health which i believe is more than good enough in both PvE and PvP.

    Crane's lack of instant RP orb skill

    RP regen wise, if you have the right kind of gear that shouldn't even be a factor that you have to worry about. The second you sleep your opponent you can charge as many RP balls as you want; Land your combos correctly, and you'l be able to sleep your enemies again to regain your RP orbs. Is it unfair that Crane doesn't have a skill that gives them an RP orb instantly? Debatable, is it fair that Crane's DoTs bypass your opponents defense? Once again also debatable.

    Do Crane's need instant CC?

    If you were to give Cranes a instant stun what would you give them? Lost in time won't accomplish anything, it's just another 35m paralyze move, paralysis is very easily countered by competitive players. So if confusion, and Paralysis are useless I say give them a stun. A stun that lasts for roughly 3-5 seconds with a 0.5 second cast time, that way it's still possible to cancel it, but it doesn't so long that it'd be as worthless as their other CCs. If they successfully land the stun the Crane will receive a 350 poison(stackable) side effect that lasts for 30 seconds, that way they can't abuse it to win via timer. Despite the annoying DoT draining the Crane's health per use, it will at least give you the small window to Sleep/Freeze lock your opponent thus most of the time giving you the win(assuming you don't screw anything up).

  • Im not reading that so I'll just say I disagree

  • Im not reading that so I'll just say I disagree

    To sum up the first paragraph I was saying that I believe Crane's DoT should be based off of Weapon upgrade and should react to defense the same way Bold's bleed does. And that Thousand slashes is fine as it is. 2nd paragraph I was just saying that Crane shouldn't have an ability that automatically gives them RP, and that they're fine as they are in that regard. Finally to summarize the last paragraph I was describing what kind of CC Crane would need if Daneos ever decided to give them one, and how to balance it. Simple enough for ya?

  • To sum up the first paragraph I was saying that I believe Crane's DoT should be based off of Weapon upgrade and should react to defense the same way Bold's bleed does. And that Thousand slashes is fine as it is. 2nd paragraph I was just saying that Crane shouldn't have an ability that automatically gives them RP, and that they're fine as they are in that regard. Finally to summarize the last paragraph I was describing what kind of CC Crane would need if Daneos ever decided to give them one, and how to balance it. Simple enough for ya?

    I like it but would the upgraded weapon make their dots stronger than they already are?

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