is there 64 bit compatibility not x86? because i get slow downs in dbo in my 64bit OS
64 bit compatibility
are you really asking this ?
yeah because i don't understand why i get sometimes low fps i have gtx 670
what is low fps ? how many fps u get ? do you have fast internet ? do you have latest drivers and direct x ?
i have a gtx580 and it runs smooth
i get unstable fps sometimes goes 60 fps then dip down to 40-20 fps , i have 55mpbs internet ,i have latest drivers and direct x.
Did you try to close all unneded programs?
how much RAM do you have ? and is your power supply sufficient to power you gtx670 ?
Yes i did i have 16gb and i have 700w Powersupply
i think because i run the game at 32bit
I have windows 8.1 64bit
x86 = 64 bit.
I run DBOG on 64bit windows 7 and it runs fine so it will be a hardware issue. Maybe processor? Cos I run a quad core and that handles it easily
x86 = 64 bit.
Mikesan are you able to give us a screenshot of your task manager/resource manager? Just so I can see what your CPU/RAM load is.
Hmm your computer seems to be fine idle, and if no other games are having the same issues I can only really recommend reinstalling DBOG (and also making sure Nvidia control panel isn't forcing any override settings.)
Edit: Also be sure to go through Task Manager and kill every single process that isn't required to run the game. Sometimes applications that have overlays (such as fraps or nvidia shadowplay) can make games lag a lot as well.
Thanks alot man
i reinstalled DBOG
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