Data Book Suggestion

  • To make a way for scouters to become even more useful and an essential piece to giving more information to players in-game than in the current format:

    Since scouters have become a big dependable source for the warriors in the age 1000, giving the players more activities to participate in would fit this perfectly for the job.

    Non-Evented Activities include:

    Data Scanning - Monster Scans, Whilst using the scouters new feature called "Scan protocol". Under the character's portrait will show a scanning icon of the scouter. A flash will take place on the monsters model with a notification signaling the scan number, after being defeated. Defeating x amount of monsters will unlock monsters description information with the Picture. Defeat y amount of monsters to unlock weaknesses and strengths. Finally defeat z amount of monsters to unlock the natures and looting information to prepare yourself or your team for the worst to come.

    DB's Scanning History Device - After Visiting Iconic areas like papaya Island and Kame's Lookout (Dende's Lookout). This device is an add on to the dragon radar functionality and will allow you to scan familiar objects that give data of the area giving you bits and pieces to history of DBZ's cannon and non-cannon stories the Z warriors faced in the past. Even a bit of comical events from DB's first collectible series before Z.

    Character Story Memoir - Within the characters information page there would be an option where you can write a little bit about your character and the warriors you've met, trained with, and enemies you've encountered, sort of like making a DB series from your own stories.

    Character Memoir Scan - this will be the fun side to reading in dbog, being able to read other players stories within the db universe listed in either chapters or one full biography of your character and their origins.

    I will try to add more detail to the memoir storytelling and scanning so that you can envision what i'm trying to explain at a later date.

    Thank you for reading!

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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