Adressing the actual issues

  • Hi.

    This thread was not made to add another one to the collective of "omigad dbog sax men" threads, this is a "sign" of how thing actually work now, and what should be done to resolve these issues.

    First, the balancement.

    It's a somewhat known fact that balancement and the team is a somewhat meme amongs the players by now, because some stuff makes no sense. This is not the core issue here, the core issue is that someone picked a handful of players, from which not even all are "expert players" and they decide or have the "bigger word" in a game which is played by hundreds to this day.

    The issue is that the staff doesn't seem to care about the player's opinions at ALL, we have NEVER seen a thread made by ANY staff member looking for feedback about the idea, if you would make a thread asking us if fighter invincible buff was a good idea, and THEN listen to what we have to say, the opinions of the players wouldn't be as bad as it is right now.

    You want to make the game balanced, fair enough, but you don't give a sh1t about the opinions of the ACTUAL players, those who will ACTUALLY have to live with your decision, and as you can clearly see, some of these "decisions" make us not trust you at all, nor play the game at this point. The game is slowly but surely dying, which you obviously know by now.

    Second, the insane amount of gear that ruined the in-game balance.

    Ever since DBOG was a thing, people cried about upgrades, bugs, +15masterrace, and the other garbage that makes an infinite loop of arguing between F2P and P2W players, now I didn't start this to support one or another, the issue is, take a look at any good skilled player, and then take a look at someone who donated $300+, I can 90% guarantee you that these players in-fact have superior gear to others, Gears that actually could be kept by them forever, as Lv70 gear doesn't change much.

    I honestly think that Daneos should do a "restart" and wipe everything again, refund the spent CP, decrease stone drop chance to the half of this, make broken give -2 to -6 randomly, and lets start with a fresh card.

    Third, the monotonity of the game.

    As of now, what we can do is TMQ1 to 7, UD1 to 6, CC 1 to 100, and that's about it. Not let's break this down.

    UD1 to 3 is only for leveling, once you reach 60, you won't ever want to return there.

    UD4-6 should be there for the good glove or subweapon drops, but they rarely drop.

    CC1-100 is limited to classes that the community prefers, which is Ultimate, Turtle, Poko, Karma, Dende, rarely Chef and if the fighter is a good friend of the party OR pays the ticket, then a MA class can join too. Rest of the classes are not "welcome", and even if they ARE welcome, it changes the structure of the run, which makes it slower, which makes the party not want to do anything with a DW or Plasma for example.

    The game is boring, you removed our chance to do BID2-3-4, even though lv60 players are way more than enough to do them, you could have just simply turned drops off, or make them drop lv60 accessory, it wouldn't be even hard, just simply replace the lv70 drops with shenron lv60 accessories on legendary drop, it wouldn't matter once 70 cap comes, so why not? Why not make the players be able to run lv70 dungeons if they are capable of doing so? It's not related to the actual story, and it's originally startable from lv1, so that just makes no sense.

    Fourth, the unfair pvp system.

    As of now this is already a known fact that some players who shall NOT be named used critical bugs in order to win tournament, bugs that are acknowledged by the staff, also KNOWN who did them, yet no punishment was given out. Even on those who were punished, they were randomly forgiven and they are still doing the same thing over and over again, why? I fail to understand why the players who obviously break the rules, makes the game not-fun for others have the edge over those who play fairly.

    I don't care if you ignore my thread, this sub-forum is for feedback, and this is not only my feedback, this feedback is from the playerbase you have, which you fail to treat equal to those who donated $1000 or more.

  • if you speak the Trueth or a little bit of sense, your thread will get closed cause you aren't allowed to help the game. tbh i agree with all the points you Mentioned , then again you must Remember anyone Below Daneos can't do anything to the game it's Either the lack of Experience or Thinking Player Feedback a Lower Step down. no it's not , Some players know better then the actual Mods , but you know , Roles mean everything in this Game.

  • "I honestly think that Daneos should do a "restart" and wipe everything again, refund the spent CP, decrease stone drop chance to the half of this, make broken give -2 to -6 randomly, and lets start with a fresh card."

    I don't mind if he wipe out everything, because I would change class if he do that. But I don't think that upgrade system should be touched. I already hardly upgraded my items to +12 with over 10000+ stones. Some players has crazy luck and of course they're hardcore cashers and this is why they have +14~+15.

  • Well, lack of communication between the community and team has always been an issue here. They're either not capable of cooperating with players or just presume that sharing the upcoming changes will bring nothing but criticism that's irrelevant. No offense, but from my perspective, this so called "team" is just a regular group of amateurs enjoying privileges or some sense of responsibility and trying to design the game on their own. There's been many suggestions that deserve a proper discussion, but they rarely reach the elites here.

    Once upon a time, there's been a man who promised that dbo would be even better than the original one, but to achieve that without unity, is just simply preposterous.

    About your second point, I don't think that bringing old wreckage of rng is the way to improve the game. If the goal is to make the game better, then work towards the future, why focus on the past which had almost as many flaws as this one. Come up with something that would be both rewarding and time consuming. Why do people think that adjusting certain points of rng rather that eliminating it would actually bring a positive effect? That is the easiest solution, but in the end of the day, it's not a system at all. Just gambling that has nothing to do with your time consumption as you could either ascend to high tier in an hour or stay on lowest tier for 3 months. Absolutely no progression, that's why working together with the team is the way to come up with something appropriate and realistic.

    No matter what happens, I'm not too concerned about this game, but there are people that obviously care about it. The fact that people like me, who got better things to do find time to chat around in forums should tell you something, team.

    P.S. Don't delete the post, be glad that there even is one. Cya.

  • Only thing that can help this is actual feedback with Daneos, he has the last word. He used to be more communicative but I don't blame him, this community asks for too much, and many people give nonsense suggestions and wants everything to be easy and for free. But there's people who's worth listening to in this game.

    Even tho, remember that DBO is just a failed MMORPG, thats why it closed, DBO failed in so many aspects and will fail even more for a game in 2018, few things can be done to make this game decently good. So don't expect a miracle, but I know that we can for sure be better than this with real feedback, and not some random ideas given by a random-selfish staff member, or player, whatever.

  • As of now, what we can do is TMQ1 to 7, UD1 to 6, CC 1 to 100, and that's about it. Not let's break this down.

    UD1 to 3 is only for leveling, once you reach 60, you won't ever want to return there.

    UD4-6 should be there for the good glove or subweapon drops, but they rarely drop.

    CC1-100 is limited to classes that the community prefers, which is Ultimate, Turtle, Poko, Karma, Dende, rarely Chef and if the fighter is a good friend of the party OR pays the ticket, then a MA class can join too. Rest of the classes are not "welcome",

    for me this is the worst problem of them all i know the game is not good balanced,still full of bugs and team dont comment anything,

    but nothing makes me mad like that, and this is a community problem ! people are stupid af,

    ostracize every other class for no reason! there are many non-speed setup which can clear cc and even in speed-party turtle is exchangeable

    with the changes for yield fighter and swordmans with speed are even more effective on bosses than turtles.

    and you guys complain the game is dead, ask yourself why with that attitude of the community.

    no wonder the game is dead when people just login for budokai cause they cant find groups.

    but before the broad mass realize this its 2020 and the server closed


  • agree with you except that we need a system where items will be destroyed to decrease the amoint of items in the game. Same for dogis. As it is right now only few people are doing pvp because nearly everyone has their items. We could bring back boken or we could make upgrading so that you need specific items for it like crafting. People only have that many +15 because their item can't break. Furthermore in dbo it's really easy to get end gear which makes farming for other gear useless. Normally One would expect that you need to farm alot to get a somehow decent gear to be able farm better gear. Here we just ignore all tmqs and uds and get craft armor because it's much cheaper, easier to get and nearly as good as tmq/ud.

    Here is one example where we can see how much the decisions makers care about this game:

    People winning budokais thanks to crashes.

    Aura gets removed but they can keep the musoa (not sure about the coin but probably they can keep it)

    You get alot mudosa from one budokai (around a few 100k, for 5vs5 it's over 300k)

    They probably think that this mudosa won't matter much but it matters alot. You get your accessoirs from mudosa and it's probably one of the easiest way to earn zeni.

    Now what happens if someone crashes the channel on purpose to get first place? Sometimes the budokai will be remade and that person can earn much more mudosa. Somestimes the matches will be remade in ranked.

    Why not just removed the mudosa earned from that budokai? All numbers are fixed except in prelims you get +1 mudosa for each kill but who cares about 1-50 mudosa?

  • Agree 100% and i want add another point to your argument.

    Since the "balance team" is changing every class in the game without any kind of community participation and a lvl70 + new client is coming soon, this is THE opportunity to have a good fresh restart.

    If ppl are not satisfied with the changes of their class you cant just change class like a moba player changes his champion.

    Mistakes were made by everyone here (players, staff, Daneos, buggers, hackers,etc), i know that you said before that once open beta starts there wont be any future wipe but now everyone have more experience with the project and how this project/game works.

    It is a matter of choice beetween keep the game dying or give some hope to the community.

  • Wouldn't it honestly be wise to listen to the opinions of the players who put in hours of their time into your game, many of whom invest money into it?

    It's a shame if/when threads like these (which obviously have support) end up being ignored or aren't provided any form of official statement, or one that has valid reasoning made explicitly clear to justify any decisions that are made.

  • Do the reset for the new lvl 70 patch. I really do not mind losing everything if this makes the game better for everyone. And I am also 100% in agreement that the cash must be only for cosmetic use or only for items such as exp boost, or anything that has to do with pets or mobility.

    That is, everything that can not influence the competitive part of the PVP.

    And to solve the way in which players can get Brown boxes, Dogi balls, Stones, etc ... just implement the golden treasure boxes, as in the past, that this way RNG is the most viable way to obtain everything necessary to the high PVP.

    And of course, these treasure boxes should be part of the drop that any mob can throw.

    But the keys would be the main problem. They could simply not implement them and all chests can be opened without a key. Or they can be part of the mob's drop. So they can not be opted only for cash or Tokens.


  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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