Make PvE equall

  • Hello guys,

    i have an idea and i want to hear your opininions. From Open beta, mostly i played plasma majin. Class is fun by itself, have good 5v5 skills kit, but thats all. Cant do much in 1v1 pvp , but its okay, as long as u one of the best 5v5 classes. But threat is not about that, as mostly people knows, every class can farm and grind mobs, but when it comes to cc or others dungeons there is 4 main classes for speed parties Dende Poko Karma and Ultimate,( no one does crit party after it takes to kill bosses 10x longer than speed) there is 1 left spot in party, and there is 8 more other classes which need to do cc or dungeons as much as before mentioned other 4. So my idea is to buff/adjust those weak classes, to make really good at pve, but leave the same in pvp. For example , imagina plasmas Black hole skill, if it had much bigger aoe range, increased damage it could fit into that 1 last missing party member, to clear mobs and do nice amount of dmg, it doesnt make plasmas broken or something, for exchange of increased dmg and range, make cast time much longer, it would have no impact in pvp, no one would use 10 sec casting spell, where u would be interupted 5 times. So my suggestion is to make some skills (from all classes) that could do well in pve. We already have turtle kames which is good in pve and pvp, mighty majin spins, which are only usefull only in pve, makes no impact on pvp. So i hope guys u got the point, and share your opinion with me, what do you think about it ;)

  • there is one thing i dont understand about crafting items. why are craft items which u can get from open world npc and also the materials u need tradeable and can be sold while u can not do the same with craft items from ccbd? they already changed it that u can use both defs (eng and phy) for 1 class. that was not possible before. they also give always the same bad states if u craft something. now its also possible to buy tons of boxes from these machines in west city to get the stats u need.

    my sugestion would be to make cc craft items tradeable like it is with rare craft items or make all craft items bind. they also changed the class thing so i dont see any problems why it should not be like this. or change it back to masterclass only becosue it dont make really sense. The same classes have only gotten more benefits.

  • Increasing the radius of a skill for PVE purposes is a delicate matter as it would affect group PVP, it'd be very noticeable in Scramble for example. It's why balancing isn't as easy as it sounds, you have to consider how the changes would affect every aspect of the game.

    Despite the fact that some classes need a boost, a class isn't meant to be good at everything. Before tweaking skills first they need to know what direction they want the class to go, and which role it's supposed to cover.

    It has been mentioned many times that adding the possibility for Pure Majins to Dash would definitely make farming a bit more interesting (Plasmas), but then again this would affect PVP and all Majin sub-classes (even those who really don't need a boost). It would be perfect if each sub-class had it's own individual transformation skill, that way tweaking would only affect the class at hand.

  • So there are 12 different classes, some are PvE, some PvP, some a hybrid so u can be both PvE and PvP. Best u can do is make at least 2 chars, one PvP and one PvE. Also when we talking about Plasma Majin, I played it for some time back in POB, and it is unbalanced, we can just hope it will be buffed in some of upcoming updates

  • there is one thing i dont understand about crafting items. why are craft items which u can get from open world npc and also the materials u need tradeable and can be sold while u can not do the same with craft items from ccbd? they already changed it that u can use both defs (eng and phy) for 1 class. that was not possible before. they also give always the same bad states if u craft something. now its also possible to buy tons of boxes from these machines in west city to get the stats u need.

    my sugestion would be to make cc craft items tradeable like it is with rare craft items or make all craft items bind. they also changed the class thing so i dont see any problems why it should not be like this. or change it back to masterclass only becosue it dont make really sense. The same classes have only gotten more benefits.

    it doesnt matter which defense armor i will choose, if i cant even enter cc

  • As XeoLee stated, first we need divide PvP and PvE damage formulas, before tweaking classes damage for CC or other dungeons.

    As we see current parties of CC contain - Dende/Poko/Karma/Ultimate and mostly Turtle, which makes almost impossible to find space in party for Swordsman, Fighter, Plasma even though they are DPS classes. Even if you use full PvE builds you won't be dealing AoE damage for clearing effectively past 51F since their damage is not as fast/big as Turtles.

    So in order to make those classes viable, *not including Crane since it can perform very well past 51F with good party* damage in PvE should be increased drastically or made similar to turtles, because such skills as Plasma's Anger Explosion or Black Hole Beat, Swordsman's Burning Attack, Fighter's Big Bang Attack damage is utterly trash.

    TLDR: make skills which are worthless or only used for PvE and still bad usable/higher damage while increasing their cooldown's/cast time so it wouldn't be abused. This would enroll more different classes in PvE.

  • the solution for PVP and PVE is to make different formulas for each.

    one for PVP and one for PVE. like some MMOs.

    ^^ i support these ideas too.

    they should be different calculations for pvp and pve for each skill, so you can boost plasma majin, fighter and swordsman skills in pve and it wont affect pvp

    , that alone can fix 60% of dbo balance problem ( using different calculation for skiills pvp/pve)

  • i 1 shoot mobs with burning attack pass f51

  • Easy fix. Make attack speed a group buff. You need 5 people to get max speed buff and change the buffs from those classes, poko and karma, so that they get good buffs that make them equal to other classes. Or you can make this buff only in cc and bid for groups. Also, have some item in dungeons heal the party. Like a special heal pot that heals both ep and hp as good as a dende. The main idea is to be able to do the dungeon without a dende but make it challenging. It has to be challenging enough that having a dende will make it a lot easier but not impossible to complete.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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