Hello guys,
i have an idea and i want to hear your opininions. From Open beta, mostly i played plasma majin. Class is fun by itself, have good 5v5 skills kit, but thats all. Cant do much in 1v1 pvp , but its okay, as long as u one of the best 5v5 classes. But threat is not about that, as mostly people knows, every class can farm and grind mobs, but when it comes to cc or others dungeons there is 4 main classes for speed parties Dende Poko Karma and Ultimate,( no one does crit party after it takes to kill bosses 10x longer than speed) there is 1 left spot in party, and there is 8 more other classes which need to do cc or dungeons as much as before mentioned other 4. So my idea is to buff/adjust those weak classes, to make really good at pve, but leave the same in pvp. For example , imagina plasmas Black hole skill, if it had much bigger aoe range, increased damage it could fit into that 1 last missing party member, to clear mobs and do nice amount of dmg, it doesnt make plasmas broken or something, for exchange of increased dmg and range, make cast time much longer, it would have no impact in pvp, no one would use 10 sec casting spell, where u would be interupted 5 times. So my suggestion is to make some skills (from all classes) that could do well in pve. We already have turtle kames which is good in pve and pvp, mighty majin spins, which are only usefull only in pve, makes no impact on pvp. So i hope guys u got the point, and share your opinion with me, what do you think about it