Why is shadow knight so unbalanced?

  • It is and I find it unfair. I shouldn't be able to use it if I was confused or feared but i was just stunned. When you're stunned you can use LP/EP Pots but you can't use poison removal? Like wtf, why they existing then? LMAO.

    Idk if I'm gonna make sense but to me, using poison removal doesn't work when stunned because it's the same mechanism as auto pots are / work, kinda like the 15% con pots you get from wagu shop if that makes sense, they should change it tbh but idk

  • I wouldn't call skedar ontop of all buffers lmao, sure he's got maxed gear but what's his gear got to do when he goes Vs another ultimate? Either of them can win there's nothing he can do about it, anyone he can best in a fight, i can best in a fight.

    Show me how you have killed horrid, flunda or sk’s like notorious or budnik in Budokai

  • It's so pathetic how everyone here is just defending their main classes and shit. None really cares about the game balance. Ik ya'll have good arguments and shit, but that doesn't hide the fact you are trying to look for your own benefit.

    In my opinion, pvp classes are not broken, they are the way the need to be. The problem is that the other classes have such a weak skillset compared to others. If you could buff them to be at the same level of utility no one would be complaining.

  • Ultimate vs Ultimate is real RNG. But in overall he stomps other classes best. He can stomp Karmas like Horrid and Flundaa easy now and I'm not surprised why Horrid keeps mentioning about UM nerf here. Before he does something like that, he should try to imagine how I feel when I fight him. He must be feeling the same way when he's facing Skedar. This is exactly how you must be feeling when you have 0 openings. X/

    Lmfao I don't even care if Ultimate gets nerfed or not, I'm only here to keep the meme alive.

    The chance of Skedar not crashing and then winning 4 dice matches against other ultis and dendes is low.

    At least you have a the chance to dice against your "counters" ( lol SK can beat karma easy with the right strategy ). Whenever I fight a good Dark Warrior, SM or a heavily geared Ultimate I lose before the match even starts.

    Again, I repeat I don't care if Ultimate gets nerfed since only Skedar has the right gear set to combat me.

  • Show me how you have killed horrid, flunda or sk’s like notorious or budnik in Budokai

    lol the fact you mentioned budnik makes me think that you think hes good? or is it just because he has full +15 gear? If thats the case then you should know by now how i didnt dice once with KarimVS when Ce traded all his +15 armors over to the sk and played on it:(. besides im not the one who has max dex armor, prop, +13 subweaps and much more, im rocking +10 weapons and still killing +13-14 sks and beating most people i go against without needing to dice (: . I dunno if i killed horrid in budokai before but i know for a fact i've flunda many times on my sk (i started playing buffer when flunda gave up playing karma)

    P.S why would i need to kill them, i can simply make them waste their auto pots, 4k pots and senzu all in 1 round to guarantee a win with time out

  • the reason he thinks budnik is good because he is a big casher like skedar himself




    I think theres a difference between skedar thinking ultis shouldnt be nerfed and someone like me and many others who know karmas, sks, ultimates ect should be nerfed appropriately but not enough to render them completely useless lol. but either way ultimates should be the first to be nerfed tho

  • ok ppl saying sk isnt broken... i dont wana insult kinswkk but hes best example. he has one of the best sm gears, anti sk(fear para bleed) switching to cd accessories and all i had to do was to use life steal and put on reflect accessories and he killed himself so saying sk isnt broken is autistic.

    Edit: i have +10 mudosa gear jacket is +12.....

    imagining myself with at least +13 gears sm and fighter stands no chance. swordsman and fighter dishing out same dmg how? crit dmg*

  • So far I fought that guy - he never used senzu nor lp autopot in rank. So this is nothing new why he's dying from the life drain and p.ref. Tell him to use autopot and senzu beans. He'll probably cut you in half with his sword lol.

    yea sure later ill use senzu and rip him again. forgot to mention that i didnt even used props now have 2x 10props got only today. his combo ends after 2 stuns.

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