Want my first character to be a well rounded class that can experience the different kinds of content the game has to offer. Leaning towards Namekian, but open to playing the other races too as long as the class fits my playstyle. I also prefer melee over range kiting playstyle. Thanks in advance for any advice!
Good first character?
Shadow Knight is good tank class and is excellent for 1v1 pvp
Is DW any good in PvP as well? I like the idea of wielding claws but I really like PvP so if SK is just better in that aspect I would probably end up playing that, think I've narrowed it down to those 2 or Fighter. Thanks for the suggestion!
Dw isnt the best for pvp it requires alot of gear to be good. DW is pretty near unkillable in pve but pvp its damage just isnt good enough to deal with healers and tanks.
Alright SK it is then, thanks again for helping out.
If you are a new player there are a few options you can take for both PvE and PvP.
PvE & PvP
Karma Majin
+good dmg (make things alot easier in budokai pre-eliminaries)
+MUST have in speed party (PvE)
+potentionally strongest PvP char allround endgame
+Very usefull in both Dojo war and Scramble.
+good asset in 5v5 budokai too
+Can have good hybrid build for combining PvE and PvP, no need skill reset everytime.
Ultimate Majin
+theres always a must have buffer in CCBD
+Good PvE AoE ability with spins (Does more harm then good in high end 1v1 PVP)
+Argueable one of the strongest tanking classes in 1 vs 1 (not 5v5 or PvE enviroment) (combination of good defences and resistance)
-Bad agro managment in pve compared to other tanking classes
-low dmg, long animation skills
-Difficult passing budokai pre-eliminaries, or killing somewhat tanky classes that arent human Race.
-Requires changing builds for PvE and 1v1 and 5v5 PvP
Turtle Hermit
+Good AoE dmg
+good chances in passing budokai pre-elimaries
+good in 1v1 PvP, but have high difficulty fighting certain classes such as Karma Majin or Shadowknight
+Must have in 5v5 PvP
+Very good in PvE (CCBD and Farming)
- Low defencive capablity.
Dende Priest
+pretty good in 1v1 pvp
+Must have in CCBD teams
+Must have in 5v5 budokai teams
+Long ranged , fast animation skills, allowing them to easely steal kills in pre-elims of budokai
+Very good in dojo war and scramble
-Pretty weak in farming due to lack of AoE.
+Tanky, (combination of VERY high defences and anti crit) (near godmode with buffs from ultimate/grand cheff majins in PvE)
+have medium/high sustainable damage.
+Steal life heals youreself, and does alot dmg to the enemy that even ignores LP % recovery.
+Argueable one of the best agro managment of all classes in PvE
+Easy farming
+Cheap craft defences that have both high physical and energy defence.
-Requires changing builds for PvE and PvP.
Go for ultimates, they do everything. Tank, heal, buff, fight, farm...
Is DW any good in PvP as well? I like the idea of wielding claws but I really like PvP so if SK is just better in that aspect I would probably end up playing that, think I've narrowed it down to those 2 or Fighter. Thanks for the suggestion!
If u wanna pvp, SK is the best for beginners, Ultimate Majin is good cuz it can easily find party anywhere (UD's, TMQ's, CC, Party Budokai, etc). I'm a DW myself, and it's a great class for pve, but no point playing it in pvp when it has low damage + people use resistance to confusion so u can't do anything with a DW in pvp.
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