Absurds in DBOG

  • mee as a karma in POB i used to have crafted +15 golves 27% crit damage + 11 prop + 9 prop +13 prop ( earing + ring ) i used to farm wiith crafted +5 21 and 20 % lp recover and without a buffer it was way to long / almost iimpossible to farm papaya sharks , that have 9k lp each so if you wanna stop multi client how the fighter / sword will gonna farm ? how mee as karma mee i will gonna farm mobs , how the hell +15 crafted golves does a great damage and it was really hard to get .. so can't imagine with regular +10-+11 golves how i'am supposed to farm and play as a 100 % f2p player how am i supposed to get zenie expect purple and green stones you won't have any monney i used to bee in top 20 at least of the farmers servers , biids in general are usless , cuz you can't sell anything and to find a max stat drop is 95% impossible ( over 200 kraken run for 1 10 prop earing ) and it was a team mate who got the dice not even mee same for cellx and bacterian , so before plan some serious changes pleas ask players of the server , and stop acting / planing new things and ask gm's cuz to bee honnest and no offence they don't know how the hell this game is supposed to play obviously

  • Make the multi-client a maximum of 2-3. It won’t really affect pvp players that much unless they stay at the platform with useless buffs knowing no one is gonna attack them. But it’ll affect PVE players greatly. Especially if someone mains one class (e.g. ultimate) on one client they will easily have an advantage on farming. Then there will be people that don’t want to make a majin and want a human instead, which they need to rely on buffs when farming but they can’t because multi-client has been removed. Then knowing you’re thinking about making stuff un-tradable will just make it worse in my opinion. What if someone wants to give something to their other character and they can’t; and on top of that they’re on another account? (I know you can account share but what if they’re different classes) What would be the purpose of farming if you can’t give stuff to a character that can’t farm as good as the class you can farm with?

    However, I like new-party search idea.


    Rinder12|Rinder 11_small.png|Rinder12: Lv54, eventually deleted; Rinder: Lv70

    Kejko 18_small.png|Lv51, eventually deleted

    WolfGunnerX 17_small.png|Lv48

    Kamicolo1 19_small.png|Lv47

    Had 15_small.png but forgot IGN|Lv33


    Had 12_small.png but forgot IGN|Lv36


    Rinder|Toxicity 11_small.png

    None|Ryder 17_small.png

    Kejko|Hazeinut 18_small.png

    UltimateMajinV|Diabetic 15_small.png

    None|PokoClub 20_small.png


    Rinder 11_small.png

    Elizork 17_small.png

    Kejko 18_small.png

    Diabetic 15_small.png

    Recover 14_small.png

    I was that guy Rinder12 (aka Rinder) on TW Server 1. Was in the guilds StormRiderZ & DragonShenrons.

    Discord: Elizork#7777


  • limiting the ip connections to 1or 2 is fine by me.

    This is best. Either Daneos removes it completely so only 1 is allowed. Or he allows max. 2. Not more than 2 pls. 2 would be more than enough. I'm ok with only 1 tho xD

    This is a Signature. Thanks for reading.

    You learned nothing.

    Wasted your time.

    Also thanks for reading all the way

    down here.

    Enjoy the emoticon.


    *got f*cked hard by Upgrading on July 8th 2018*


  • The ability to multi client is very important in a game like DBO.

    A Fighter unlocks the ability to solo farm outside PvE thanks to it.

    If you remove the ability to atleast dual client, many classes will be unable to atleast farm outside, which is supposed to be the easiest part of the game...

    Ever considered that some content in the game is just not meant to be soloed and glampsed over... dumbass?

  • If multi accounts get blocked at least change the warehouse bank to share all your items (binded ones included) between your characters.

    Since account gifts will never happen and you cant log in 2 accounts at the same time there is no reason to have more than 1 account.

    Anyways ppl will always find a way to log in multiple chars, 2 pcs, virtual box, sandbox etc etc.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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    • :/
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    • 8)
    • ?(
    • :huh:
    • :rolleyes:
    • <3
    • 8|
    • :cursing:
    • :thumbdown:
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