New Client Change Log and Ideas

  • En SumTingWong

    hello, I suppose you're the expert here, do you want me to name you online games where they do it? ... how about saint seiya online. What is it like online, where there are official pages of the game where you can buy the items, what a gameway? ... What if DANEOS wins by hand all the people who steal it? .. imposing a page that sells the items? .. in case you do not know saint seiya is one of the best selling anime in the world along with dragon ball.

    Clear! you do not play much or you are not a fan of dragon ball online! ... I will remind you: when the online dragon ball started, I had the motivation to give you daily items for connection to your customers, and for example, doubled or gave more items to the person who He donated money, they also sold items. THEN MANY PAGES APPEARED THANKS TO PEOPLE LIKE YOU JUST WANTED TO GET OUT OF THE GAME! ... there are BAD people and GOOD people--. I want DBO G free of piranha people, people who live by the effort of others, if you create an exclusive channel for people who pay you will give you a reason to play and keep paying, and if you create a free to play channel like other games dragon ball you will accommodate people who are only players, but also there will enter the cheating people ... to see what would happen if I give you 100 dollars ... there are other people who want 100 dollars, and others who will steal you .. But if you separate the thieves from the needy and the donors you can have more control of your profits !!!: .. DO NOT TELL ME NOTHING OR THAT MY IDEAS ARE INAPPROPRIATED BECAUSE I ALREADY GAVE YOU 1 REASON ... Do you want more? STEAM CS GO ... is free to download, but if you want to play with advantages SHOP THE ACCESS TO THE SERVER, OR PLAY WITH THE MONTON, WANT SEXY WEAPONS ... PURCHASE IT IN THE PAG OR IN THE STEAM ... TRAT SYSTEM OF INTERIORISARTE CAPAZ YOU WILL SEE THAT THERE IS A WORLD MORE THAN YOU CAN SEE! REGARDS

  • En SumTingWong

    hello, I suppose you're the expert here, do you want me to name you online games where they do it? ... how about saint seiya online. What is it like online, where there are official pages of the game where you can buy the items, what a gameway? ... What if DANEOS wins by hand all the people who steal it? .. imposing a page that sells the items? .. in case you do not know saint seiya is one of the best selling anime in the world along with dragon ball.

    Clear! you do not play much or you are not a fan of dragon ball online! ... I will remind you: when the online dragon ball started, I had the motivation to give you daily items for connection to your customers, and for example, doubled or gave more items to the person who He donated money, they also sold items. THEN MANY PAGES APPEARED THANKS TO PEOPLE LIKE YOU JUST WANTED TO GET OUT OF THE GAME! ... there are BAD people and GOOD people--. I want DBO G free of piranha people, people who live by the effort of others, if you create an exclusive channel for people who pay you will give you a reason to play and keep paying, and if you create a free to play channel like other games dragon ball you will accommodate people who are only players, but also there will enter the cheating people ... to see what would happen if I give you 100 dollars ... there are other people who want 100 dollars, and others who will steal you .. But if you separate the thieves from the needy and the donors you can have more control of your profits !!!: .. DO NOT TELL ME NOTHING OR THAT MY IDEAS ARE INAPPROPRIATED BECAUSE I ALREADY GAVE YOU 1 REASON ... Do you want more? STEAM CS GO ... is free to download, but if you want to play with advantages SHOP THE ACCESS TO THE SERVER, OR PLAY WITH THE MONTON, WANT SEXY WEAPONS ... PURCHASE IT IN THE PAG OR IN THE STEAM ... TRAT SYSTEM OF INTERIORISARTE CAPAZ YOU WILL SEE THAT THERE IS A WORLD MORE THAN YOU CAN SEE! REGARDS

  • To be honest, everything sounds amazing about the new stuff added/changed,maybe only the trans-character bank is gonna be an amazing addition. Also can't wait to see the balance changes,waiting for the plasma update and i will be over the moon.

  • English:

    How about new NPCs,

    the main chars of Dragonball like Goku,Vegeta etc.

    of course you would have to travel to the past to fight against them or accept quest from them.

    through the quest or fight to get a title e.g. Gokus Apprentice, Vegeta Apprentice / or Destroyer if you fight him

    halt lehrlingstitel if that is possible

    Yours sincerely

    Egzon 'zoonix' Xhemajli


    Wie wäre es mit Neuen NPCs,

    die Hauptchars von Dragonball wie z.b. Goku,Vegeta usw.

    natürlich müsste man in die vergangenheit reisen um dort dann z.b. gegen die zu kämpfen oder quests von denen annehmen

    durch die quests oder kämpfe einen Titel bekommen z.b. Gokus Lehrling, Vegeta Lehrling / oder zerstörer wenn man ihn bekämpft

    halt lehrlingstitel falls das möglich ist

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Egzon 'zoonix' Xhemajli

  • I would like to have a new German patch in the client and in the game at settings which translates the most important things in German like Items, Skills u.s.w

    The quests themselves can continue to stay in English but that you have at least the most important things in his language such as attitude, skills, items u.s.w because not everyone knows English.

    In German

    Ich würde mir einen neuen Deutsch Patch im Client und im Spiel wünschen bei Einstellungen was die wichtigsten Sachen auf Deutsch übersetzt wie Items, Skills u.s.w

    Die Quests selber können ja weiterhin auf Englisch bleiben aber dass man wenigstens die wichtigsten Sachen auf seiner Sprache hat wie Einstellung, Skills, Items u.s.w da nicht jeder englisch kann.

  • to make something clear I do not agree with the wipe but the changes they mention are pretty good!

    To add something to the new server would be a PvP style like Mu online (PK system), that people can kill each other on the open map (Ctrl+F) but with penalties according to the kills you carry .. For example, you kill one and you name comes out yellow, 2 orange and 3 red and you have to pay a lot of money to the guards to let you enter the cities so that the NPC can buy/sell you !! And if you kill a red person you become a hero and you win 1 hero coins that gives you goods gear or something else and if reds kill heroes they give you villain points that give you other gear or something else (other property options) .. It would be like a system of heroes and villains to make the PvP more fun ..

  • I am ok with the idea of getting a new beginning but I have a nice suggestion.Please Daneos and dbog team leave our precious dogi costumes in our bank and make them character bound.So we can only wear it.Remove the dogi balls and let them in our bank.Some of us wasted huge amounts of time gathering them.I hope for a greater server and I know that we will have it because you are working hard for it.Guys what do you believe about this idea?Of having at least all of our dogi costumes character bound after wipe?

  • Hi, I would like the quests/game to get translated so I now what and why I'm actually doing them. It would also be nice if there where guides on the different game play features on the site, like a crafting guide because I didn't even know that that feature was working.

  • How do i get into discord? Been waiting weeks and I still can't get in. Its a test server. People can exploit bugs wipe should still be on the table for test client.

    There is a crafting guide, but crafting takes place at hoi poi machine, usually in the second beginner village you visit.

    Test client graphics are better?

  • I am ok with the idea of getting a new beginning but I have a nice suggestion.Please Daneos and dbog team leave our precious dogi costumes in our bank and make them character bound.So we can only wear it.Remove the dogi balls and let them in our bank.Some of us wasted huge amounts of time gathering them.I hope for a greater server and I know that we will have it because you are working hard for it.Guys what do you believe about this idea?Of having at least all of our dogi costumes character bound after wipe?

    I second this... took way too much time gathering my dogis. Let us keep them at the least

  • I am down with that right now.. Change any decision about the wipe Will be unfair for all the People at the moment..the decision has been done.. A lot People including me have sold rare stuff or they even give away precious items like i did.. I gave many dogis even dogi Ball and Brown boxes to People Who are low level..

  • Dont get me wrong but dogis are items like any other item.. I mean you maybe have spent a lot time to buy some dogis.. But some other People like me have spent even more time and money to buy Brown boxes and dogi Balls.. So i want them all Back because i spent a lot time.. Do you get what i mean? Its the same thing about dogis dogi Balls Brown boxes even Stones UD..time has passed, decision has been made.. And talking about this right now, its Just make no sense.

  • Dont get me wrong but dogis are items like any other item.. I mean you maybe have spent a lot time to buy some dogis.. But some other People like me have spent even more time and money to buy Brown boxes and dogi Balls.. So i want them all Back because i spent a lot time.. Do you get what i mean? Its the same thing about dogis dogi Balls Brown boxes even Stones UD..time has passed, decision has been made.. And talking about this right now, its Just make no sense.

    Too bad this game is dead and all of our time and efforts wasted.

  • Tony Haze personally i dont care..and everyone shouldnt..i enjoyed a lot this game and i dont give a shit if lost all my stuff because i am playing this game just to have fun..and i will play it again..i dont play this game for a lifetime..what happened it just happened..people should enjoy and have fun more than trying to be the god of the game and keep their items and stuff for ever until this game dies completely..I mean what it has happened it was for good..not because daneos want to punish us for something..

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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