The movement system (including flight) is currently not 100% working fine.
I'm going to post the changes/fixes regarding the movement system here.
The movement system (including flight) is currently not 100% working fine.
I'm going to post the changes/fixes regarding the movement system here.
Thank you! It's you who revived my favorite game! Trust you! Do better and better!
im the one who believed in you and your work since beginning. keep good work, don't pay atention to those cringy kids who cry over every little detale they don't understand or don't like!
- The movement during jumping state should be working fine now.
- Fixed jumping while pressing the right mouse button
Holding Left click when moving (W key) and then jumping will stop your character after landing.
Holding Left click when moving (W key) and then jumping will stop your character after landing.
The ctrl and alt key also cause the character to stop when holding the W key.
alt f4 closes my screen why
jk i thought to make a dumb joke to lighten the mood thanks daneos for the hard work
The issue "unable to continue walking after jump" should be fixed. Need some people to test it.
The issue "unable to continue walking after jump" should be fixed. Need some people to test it.
in all races
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