Where's the access? DANEOS

  • As a player who dedicates time to the game, I come here to indignation, you announce a server test without warning that it would be '' limited '' people are very anxious to play, and you open only to (Administrators, and a handful of a few people) please have more respect with the game players release the access so people can play freely and they can also report the bugs. :cursing:X/X/X/

  • The server at the moment is most likely unstable to maintain everyone willing to play at the moment. I believe Daneos is choosing the pple who are the most active at the moment in game (possibly also those who are active on the forums).

    If I remember right, then at the pre-open beta it was quite the chaos when everyone had access to the server. Frequent freezes, lag, server shut down, channels disconnected,... It might be that the progress to find bugs would be even slower than before since everyone will think something is a bug while it's just overpopulating of the server that's the cause of a problem.

    All you can do at the moment is sign in with telling your in game character name and hope you get selected. Sign in here

  • As a player who dedicates time to the game, I come here to indignation, you announce a server test without warning that it would be '' limited '' people are very anxious to play, and you open only to (Administrators, and a handful of a few people) please have more respect with the game players release the access so people can play freely and they can also report the bugs. :cursing:X/X/X/

    The server at the moment is most likely unstable to maintain everyone willing to play at the moment. I believe Daneos is choosing the pple who are the most active at the moment in game (possibly also those who are active on the forums).

    If I remember right, then at the pre-open beta it was quite the chaos when everyone had access to the server. Frequent freezes, lag, server shut down, channels disconnected,... It might be that the progress to find bugs would be even slower than before since everyone will think something is a bug while it's just overpopulating of the server that's the cause of a problem.

    All you can do at the moment is sign in with telling your in game character name and hope you get selected. Sign in here

    They should have mentioned that it was limited access, so that they wouldn't hype ppl for no reason

  • as a tester

    within the new server I can say the server is unstable and has some bugs that doesnt exist in the current client

    for instance tlq 3 (the time leap quest that gets u dash) is currently broken

    and also flight also not working at the moment.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

    • :)
    • :(
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    • ^^
    • xD
    • ;(
    • X(
    • :*
    • :|
    • 8o
    • D:
    • <X
    • ||
    • :/
    • :S
    • X/
    • 8)
    • ?(
    • :huh:
    • :rolleyes:
    • <3
    • 8|
    • :cursing:
    • :thumbdown:
    • :thumbup:
    • :sleeping:
    • :whistling:
    • :evil:
    • :saint:
    • =O
    • :!:
    • :?:
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