So, how can i get access?

  • Because i played a little bit the week before this was announced and log in a few minutes when it was announced, but since i'm losing all my stuff i am not wasting my time, i'm just waiting the reset, SO, i'm not active right now... in order to gain access to the development i have to play even tho is pointless i don't understand X/

  • It's simple, you just have to write your name of the character (not of your forum account, of your character) and you will have to wait for Daneos to write the names of those who will have access and if not wrong I'm going to send you an e-mail about what you have to do to enter

    PD:I hope I've helped, and, sorry for my english, I literally have to translate everything from Spanish into English and that's why some words sound weird

  • It's simple, you just have to write your name of the character (not of your forum account, of your character) and you will have to wait for Daneos to write the names of those who will have access and if not wrong I'm going to send you an e-mail about what you have to do to enter

    PD:I hope I've helped, and, sorry for my english, I literally have to translate everything from Spanish into English and that's why some words sound weird

    i wrote my name like a week ago thats why i'm asking this, thanks anyways

  • If you played actively so far, you got chances. That's for sure. I also wrote down my Character name but didn't read the part of playing actively xD

    I haven't played actively since November lmao. Since then i went ingame about 5x and only for like 10 mins. So i don't see a chance of getting to test with others and find the bugs. But it's ok. I don't have too much time atm to test anyways. It's a big amount of work, as you can see from the Bug Threads. Even some regular things don't work right. You don't just get access and go play over there. If you get access, you gotta put a lot of time into it to find every bug/problem that exists atm.

    Just wait and play DBOG i guess. Help out new ppl maybe? Cuz that's what i did the last time i logged in. Helped 3 parties with just UD1 run tho cuz they were new to the game and couldn't find anyone who was willing to help them. I feel sorry for those ppl. Can't go into Dungeons to quest cuz no one is willing to help xD

    This is a Signature. Thanks for reading.

    You learned nothing.

    Wasted your time.

    Also thanks for reading all the way

    down here.

    Enjoy the emoticon.


    *got f*cked hard by Upgrading on July 8th 2018*


  • check if your account has been moved to the new server. i havent played for almost a year too, and it seems like i didnt even get moved to the new server. since when i put my info on the login i get "this account does not exist" :(... i know some people get "this account has been banned" or something.

    What y'all get?

  • The thing is, being active can be seen in many different ways:

    • Hours online (seen on character info on homepage): This would basicly mean that pple who afk all day will have a higher chance of getting in.
    • Being active in game by finishing quests/TMQ/UD: Meaning that you will need to have a minimum level to be called active.
    • Being active in community events: Meaning that you will need sign in when an event is active eg. Budokai or DB scramble.

    I really hope that with being active they don't mean hours played, because then i'll fall off the boat. I'm only online to be actually active, farming mobs or doing TMQ/UD. Afking never really encourages me to come online to be honnest.

    So far I've not been one of the lucky ones to be selected and I'll not try to be online 24/7 just to get a higher chance of getting into the development server. So good luck on trying to get a spot.

  • The thing is, being active can be seen in many different ways:

    • Hours online (seen on character info on homepage): This would basicly mean that pple who afk all day will have a higher chance of getting in.
    • Being active in game by finishing quests/TMQ/UD: Meaning that you will need to have a minimum level to be called active.
    • Being active in community events: Meaning that you will need sign in when an event is active eg. Budokai or DB scramble.

    I really hope that with being active they don't mean hours played, because then i'll fall off the boat. I'm only online to be actually active, farming mobs or doing TMQ/UD. Afking never really encourages me to come online to be honnest.

    So far I've not been one of the lucky ones to be selected and I'll not try to be online 24/7 just to get a higher chance of getting into the development server. So good luck on trying to get a spot.

    I didnt think about that

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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