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k thx bai
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k thx bai
i will say 14,76734995564% xD
Short answer - Soon™.
Long answer -
I counted nearly 310 ,,Bug" Threads,only 73 (more or less) have been ,,Fixed"
Based on those numbers (which are not actually reliable because many threads are invalid or repeated),current progression of the test server is at somewhere around 23,55%,not to mention that new bugs are being discovered every day.
I tried to answer your question in the nerdiest way possible ,only for fun and bcs i'm bored as hell.There are countless reasons why you shouldn't take this information seriously.
The best answer to this question is to not give an answer. People go cray cray if something unexpected happens that results in more trouble to fix. And to do that will require more time....
It's good to take the time. We don'T wanna see them rush and have the same damn problems at the end again. They should take as much time as they need.
No one but Daneos can give you exact percentage of how much he thinks that is done and how much there is left to do.
I will share my thoughts about this. As You see no one longer adds new testers (still free slots). This is probably because there is nothing to test right now so it will be pointless. Game suffers from random crashes and it is a major problem right now, you cant test dungeons or cc, you cant even gear yourself properly for this purposes. So, this must be fixed first to do any progress with testing. At this rate I will say we need an average of one year for 100% working server.
Because we need much time for fixing major crashes->letting new people access->let them explore the game fully->fixing some minor bugs. Sadly im not happy with it but it is a reality and we will need to wait and cooperate with Daneos because its a titanic work, laying just on one-man shoulders.
you people are wasting your time. DBOG is dead. Daneos is not working on the game, nor will he ever do. just move on and find a new game to play, it's not worth waiting for something that will never happen...
you people are wasting your time. DBOG is dead. Daneos is not working on the game, nor will he ever do. just move on and find a new game to play, it's not worth waiting for something that will never happen...
Why are you here then? Wasting your time?
Why are you here then? Wasting your time?
i'm here to laugh in you people's faces. i stopped playing this game months ago, cause it was obviously just going downhill. it's always fun to come back here and see how many people that actually still post in this dead forum. taking a minute or two out of my day to satisfy myself is not a waste of time.
i'm here to laugh in you people's faces. i stopped playing this game months ago, cause it was obviously just going downhill. it's always fun to come back here and see how many people that actually still post in this dead forum. taking a minute or two out of my day to satisfy myself is not a waste of time.
I think you need to find a girlfriend and get laid fast.
I think you need to find a girlfriend and get laid fast.
hahahah you sound like you're the one who need to get yourself some pus*y. girls and bitches can fu*k with me on the weekends. thats off the point though. i'm out here living my best life while you people on here all day hoping so desperately for something that won't happen in a million years.
hahahah you sound like you're the one who need to get yourself some pus*y. girls and bitches can fu*k with me on the weekends. thats off the point though. i'm out here living my best life while you people on here all day hoping so desperately for something that won't happen in a million years.
You know people can acctually see your online status and how much time you spend here? For a person who doesn't care you write way too long messages and express way too much passion. Oh well. Not my business. Enjoy your fapping!
You know people can acctually see your online status and how much time you spend here? For a person who doesn't care you write way too long messages and express way too much passion. Oh well. Not my business. Enjoy your fapping!
hahahah you dbog players always recycle the same comebacks. sit down weeb
I guess someone is pissed off that the game is taking so long to be completed and flames others, cuz, why not?
I do not shoot so much the reason of Rabbitits, it will make a month that the status of '' New '' does not change in the forum ... that is, without news.
I think you need to find a girlfriend and get laid fast.
i think you need to open your eyes fast...
i came back and played for like 3 weeks this dead game, you know what the sad part is? there is people still cashing. wtf??
if you are really that excited to play on this lame server where you have almost nothing to do, i think you are the one who needs a girlfriend and get laid.
i think you need to open your eyes fast...
i came back and played for like 3 weeks this dead game, you know what the sad part is? there is people still cashing. wtf??
if you are really that excited to play on this lame server where you have almost nothing to do, i think you are the one who needs a girlfriend and get laid.
Lol. I am not playing DBO ever since the original TW server shutdown. But oh well still thank you for your effort.
I counted nearly 310 ,,Bug" Threads,only 73 (more or less) have been ,,Fixed"
Based on those numbers (which are not actually reliable because many threads are invalid or repeated),current progression of the test server is at somewhere around 23,55%,not to mention that new bugs are being discovered every day.
I counted nearly 310 ,,Bug" Threads,only 73 (more or less) have been ,,Fixed"
Based on those numbers (which are not actually reliable because many threads are invalid or repeated),current progression of the test server is at somewhere around 23,55%,not to mention that new bugs are being discovered every day.
I counted nearly 310 ,,Bug" Threads,only 73 (more or less) have been ,,Fixed"
Based on those numbers (which are not actually reliable because many threads are invalid or repeated),current progression of the test server is at somewhere around 23,55%,not to mention that new bugs are being discovered every day.
I tried to answer your question in the nerdiest way possible ,only for fun and bcs i'm bored as hell.There are countless reasons why you shouldn't take this information seriously.
I have no idea why did u steal my troll post ,but ill take it as a compliment.
The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.
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