"Dragon Ball 2.0 Finished" so is, 1 year and everything remains the same ...
Hello Community and Administrators, this post is addressed to you.
Given the large number of bugs, and lack of implementation of important and necessary things in DBOG 2.0, we still do not know why they have not implemented them,
I want to express my annoyance with you, for about 7 months (October 2018) we are promising great changes, in which today June 2, 2019 is still not ready, and what is even worse still has much to solve ..
We ask ourselves, what have the administrators done during all 1 year ?, since 1 year and 1 month ago there is no change in the game, it is incredible but everything remains the same.
It has been 2 months since the "voting" ended, and what is seen on the test server, is now practically the same 2 months ago, only basic bugs have been solved.
When they add "Flight", when they add pets, when they implement the new cash system, it's incredible but even the problem that freezes every 3-4 seconds is still, how is that possible ?!
Please enough of promises and expectations that will never happen, let's get this over with.
We want the day, month and year, the exact date of the official launch to the "New DBO" (and that will be practically the same as today), we want you to publish the progress on the new server and to comply with it.
Thanks, I hope comments and discuss on this topic.