The server isnt wotking i cant log in too strange
there probably shutting them down and opening 2.0 for everyone kinda like a little minor update then eventually start releaseing new content , I mean I still don't know yet im tryna figure it out myself..
The server is in a maintenance to fix server lag, it will be turned back soon.
there's no wipe. don't panic
thank god
keep up the good wrok guys i love the gam!!!
im not a mod lmfao
lets see what they will do
It's back on
Any idea on how long it will take?
never mind, just saw its online again, thought it would last longer -
awesome fast tho
keep donation guys to avoid server shut down :v
Server should be back up, there was a restart.
thanks, scaelet XD
thanks, scaelet XD
Call me Beka, lol
Sure thing Beka
also can i join your guild?
You have to ask that in the guild's related topic lol but think we're a bit inactive and some active
You have to ask that in the guild's related topic lol but think we're a bit inactive and some active
ahh ok thnxx
Just enjoy the server
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