How do I get my craft level up

  • You will have to visit a crafting trader to buy the blueprints to craft things. Sometimes he is by a hoipoi crafting machine, sometimes not. Once you have the blueprint, you must take items to the armor upgrade merchant, and he has an option to break them down into materials. You then take the materials back to the hoipoi crafting machine, and craft some things to gain crafting experience. Lower level items salvage into lower level materials, so you'll have to go farm in yahoi west and then salvage the items with the armor upgrade vendor. Alternately, if you press . as in period, full stop, you'll open the crafting menu as well, without having to go to the machine. The crafting vendors aren't searchable on the map, you'll have to find them. The crafter in yahoi west is in the village near the oil area, and the one in westland is in tambourine camp. Not sure where the one in korin forest is, but if you search around, you'll find him.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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