If you’re facing one of these 7 problems with your launcher/application, here’s how to fix it:
(1). Creating the application is failed. Error code[183] solution:
1. Please go to the "Microsoft Download Center" to download the "MSXML" support program for players with this error message
2. Install the downloaded file.
3. Reboot your pc.
4. Run DBOGlauncher.exe as admin.
(2). Game initialized failed solution:
Mostly it's an error caused to run this game without the proper permisions, close the launcher. But also, it may be cause cause your game resolution doesn't meet the game resolution, modify it to the same than your screen and it will be fixed.
(3). Error 0 solution:
Update your graphical card drivers.
(4). Error 2 solution:
Your game is not updated, you'll have to run the DBOGlauncher as admin, and then wait till fully updated.
If you still have this problem, you'll have to do a force patch. To do a force patch, you have to open your game folder, then you have look for a file called "Patcher_config.xml", open this file with notepad, then you have to modify game_lang="XX" to "english" patch_version= "X" to "0".
Save the changes and then run the launcher as admin.
(5). Error 4 solution:
Password is incorrect.
(6). Error Temp4566 solution:
1. Open your game folder and look for a file called "CurrentpatchVer.xml", then right click on this file and then click on properties, then deactivate "only read" then open the notepad and you have to look for the next lines:
Cient Ver = write down the current game version
Date = write down the update date
Launcher Ver= write down your game launcher version.
(7). I click on play, but the game doesn't patch nor run the client solution:
Add DBOGlauncher in your antivirus exclusion list, and disable your microsoft windows defender online protection, run the launcher as admin
Hope any of these problems you are facing help solve your problem.