Quick question to anyone working on the server, I was wondering if certain areas in game could be open PvP every so hours, so PvP wasnt just limited to Arena, Platform, and Dojo Battle. It would be alot funner to have Open PvP where guilds could meet up and duke it out. Or maybe just a duel option that allowed group fights anywhere except in cities, and villages. I was also wondering, will there be Double XP to counter that annoying grind from 50-55?
Open World PvP? XP System?
There is already open world pvp..... scramble!!
Scramble !
Other then scramble, just a big area where you can duke it out for a couple of hours without DB scramble.
Then just go to pvp arena?
Make chanel where will be (PK) pvp 24/24, 7/7 on all maps, except the main city kokara karin etc... I was mad when i was on spot, and i farm items/dragon ball's then some fags come to me, and they ks me. With pk chanel we will be able to save our spot, and kill bastards ksers.
The killed player will losing about 30k exp, if no he will learn nothing, alsothe the killer will gain only the peace on his spot. -
open world pvp such a bad idea, talk about harassment for people who want to enjoy questing just go to plat OR there already is open world pvp, its called duel or like people say scramble.
Yes pls no Open pvp.i Dont like it
There is nothing more exciting and more entertaining than Open World PvP in MMORPG. Why?
1. Open World PvP makes game feel more dynamic. There is always a challenge waiting for you and you never know where and when to expect it.Sure it interrupts your daily farming/questing routine, but also it makes game feel less boring and repetitive.
2. More Role Play. With open PvP you can choose to be a nice guy who helps and protects others or to be a scumbag, evil guy who is willing to spread some chaos on those who doesn't expect it. And it is a good thing. The only roles we had in DBO were:
A. Mob Farmer B. Quest Farmer C. Cry Baby D. Begger
Plus that feeling of justice when you shutdown trash talker or mob stealer is priceless. What you could do against your enemies in DBO? Send a friendly duel request that can be declined? Wait for them eventually to show up on the PvP platform?3. More competition. Because competition drives people further. In original DBO people would level up and gather gear only for small number of PvP occasions such as Budokais, Ranked Battless, Dojo Battles, Platform drama, Scramble. It is not enough to keep people interested long enough into playing a game.
Plus some of these PvP elements are more oriented towards late game. What to do in that gap between leveling up and late game? Farm? Hell no.4. Increased importance of cooperation. Open PvP some kind a forces people to co-op against greater odds. One thing is to team up in order to clear mob camp or defeat Ultra Boss. Other thing is to team up in order to defeat "evil" player. It just represents Dragonball anime/manga more, where characters had to team up to beat greater villains. It makes guilds more useful, serving as a unity of "big brothers" who are always there for you when you need it.
Good PK penalties for harassing low lvl players, safe zones, PvE only channels are more than enough to keep people more or less safe from bigger harm.
There are plenty of good examples of great games with Open PvP MMORPGs. Google it. PvE only games just doesn't have that thrilling excitement, nor does they have right type of challenge to keep long interest into playing it. And we speak about MMORPG based on the franchise where fighting was a key element of its success -
there is already scramble
So much WOW. :saiyan:
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