New Token Shop Item Suggestion Thread

  • don't add stones. Make kid pj for tourny farm for stones, adding them in token is easy for upgrade.

    Popo auto revive stones and target revive

    Movement potion

    If you want to be super generous add transformation potion for a high value and make them bind, would be an own achievement for playing the game overtime.

  • I would suggest to have z32 in token but it should cost more and we can all have some more equipment space like 10k per z32 if u think it's a good idea. Also would be nice if u could add some gear packs that we could use for different levels but each pack costs a a different amount of tokens for the level required. Lastly if we had brown boxes on tokens but for a higher price cause we all use brown/silver boxes for our gear but most people acquire it on cash shop so it would be a nice idea if u put brown boxes on token shop for a large amount of tokens like 5k to 6k each box. That's what I had to say

  • I don't know possible but modded fashion as well like some mods on this forum that are just outdated just bring them as their own item to this game since technically ur teams server don't have be 100% normal right ?. Possibly could have add some new flash but up to you and your Dev Team I don't know how hard it acts on a server to make a modded item like you know transformations colors or colorways to original clothing would be bust just an idea. I think that would be neat let people really get into a unique look for their characters. Give people a reason to farm items that can give them that personal look feeling at least from what I know from other mmos ive played people kind of have pride in not looking like clone or same but they like have their own personal look.

  • I would suggest to have z32 in token but it should cost more and we can all have some more equipment space like 10k per z32 if u think it's a good idea. Also would be nice if u could add some gear packs that we could use for different levels but each pack costs a a different amount of tokens for the level required. Lastly if we had brown boxes on tokens but for a higher price cause we all use brown/silver boxes for our gear but most people acquire it on cash shop so it would be a nice idea if u put brown boxes on token shop for a large amount of tokens like 5k to 6k each box. That's what I had to say

    I don't mind doing boxes. Z32 is a starting item now.

    I don't know possible but modded fashion as well like some mods on this forum that are just outdated just bring them as their own item to this game since technically ur teams server don't have be 100% normal right ?. Possibly could have add some new flash but up to you and your Dev Team I don't know how hard it acts on a server to make a modded item like you know transformations colors or colorways to original clothing would be bust just an idea. I think that would be neat let people really get into a unique look for their characters. Give people a reason to farm items that can give them that personal look feeling at least from what I know from other mmos ive played people kind of have pride in not looking like clone or same but they like have their own personal look.

    I'm working on a new farming system to incentivize things like this.

  • The dogi capsule you get from gift box and add more dogis in the capsules

    We're doing more dogis. I don't like that random capsule though, I want people to know what they're going to get.

    Silver boxes maybe, not too expensive, not too cheap, a fair price (difficult for this game is to make pro end game accessories), excellent dogi balls, ccbd tickets, some Z24 ~~ 32.

    (it is a good reward for those who farm, in my opinion, since tokens come through the deaths of mobs) the game is very RNG, and these two items are the most random

    I'll think about boxes, but I'm running out of space in here after adding all the cash shop stuff, haha

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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