Hey all, this guide is aimed at BEGINNERS who have no idea what they're doing, and in this guide i will try to aim specifically at stuff that everyone should know.
Let's begin with
"What should I play?"
- This question is very common for newcomers, so let me give a brief breakdown of every single class, and you pick the class you think is the best fitting for you.
Fighters are mainly focused for pvp purpose, since their AoE skills are considerably weaker than the other human classes, Fighters are your bread and butter when it comes to fighting, you have Swiftness, to increase your dexterity, you have blitz fist and thunder to increase your attack speed, you have solar flare to decrease the hitrate of the enemy, and you have a high speed needle which is a meme, because of how disgustingly strong they are.
Swordsman is a hard class, not designed for beginners, swordsman is the type of character that can do everything in a minimal scale, but that everything is, literally, everything. Swordsman can tank, thanks to Glaring Slash and Scintillation. Swordsman can pvp thanks to insane mobility and self buffs they have. Swordsman can farm thanks to burning attack.
When it comes to "easy characters" turtle hermit is the first real pick. Turtles are mainly dominating in pve with the insane damage output thanks to Super/Giant Kamehame, but turtles also have insanely good supporting debuffs that can make dungeons or even pvp matches much easier. Turtle hermit is arguably the best class for farming, alongside with Dark Warrior, and Turtles are also key factor in 5v5 pvp due to their massive damage, but be careful, because having this much power comes with being a squishy little glass, that can easily break.
Crane hermit is the "Swordsman version of the fighters", crane is also mainly focused on pvp, but while people think turtle is better, in fact, crane can pve just as good as turtles, cranes have very very deadly dot attacks, cyclone and typhoon are perfect for farming, dodon barrage can destroy the physical defense of monsters, LP cut can make a boss fight 33% shorter, cranes can self heal with gaining an RP ball (which is extremely important in pvp), if there is a human class that's extremely dangerous to face in 1v1 pvp, it is the crane hermit
Ultimate majins are the perfect allrounders, tank, damage, support, you name it. Ultimate majins are the OG "buffers", since they were originally used to their ability to make you feel like a god once you have those buffs. 18 props, 21% LP reg, 26 con, max LP, 14 con star, energy def, some extra LP, but besides the awesome buffs, Ultis can also tank bosses thanks to the taunts. Ultis can casually deal enough damage that rivals a turtle hermit, thanks to the spins. The only thing that ultimates are weak in, is the farming in general, since they dont have an aggroing skill, and their aoes are short range.
Chef is like the disabled version of an ultimate, except chef has a better subclass spin, the star (con buff) gives 35 con instead of 14, the 23% CON buff makes you feel like you're a tank, and then we can talk about the dex/soul buff. Chef is also extremely dangerous in 1v1 pvp, a good chef user can drain your EP into a point where you have no chance of dashing away, or fighting back.
Karma majin is extremely good in both pve and pvp, although most people use them for their attack speed in pve, karma has everything you can ask for, aoe skills, debuffs, very useful buffs, high damage, nice sustain, self RP, self healing.
Sadly, plasma majin is similar chef, as being the disabled version of karma majin, although plasma is not a common class, it is very very powerful when it comes to farming or pvp content. While plasma can give you dex and cooldown, they can also annoy the living shlt out of you with their constant aoe knockdowns, while confusing everyone, or just making your entire team immune to stuns.
Healer, literally, nothing else to say.
Similarly to Karma majin, poko is mostly used in pve due to the speed buff they can give, also the defense, energy critrate, and soul. Poko is not useful in farming, unless you use poko to buff your other character. Poko is also ot useful in pvp either.
Bold strike.
Memes aside, SK is the most common pvp class, SK also has a high rating in pve content, and while not being able to farm too good without having very high tier gear, SK is really dangerous in pvp. Aoe stun, fear, life steal, very deadly bleed, hellzone, self anticrit, a good SK can give very good challenge to every single class in pvp.
DW is one of those classes that was quite rare in retail, because people didn't really know how to utilize them to their max potential, and it took years until a few players have managed to actually make DW a great pvp and pve class. DW is a PERFECT tank, they have insanely high base stats, really good taunt, confusion, massive aoe range, and disgustingly high sustain due to life steal.
Fighter : Jocer and Kiriha
Swordsman : HKR and Kinswkk
Turtle hermit : CodeNemesis and Divine
Crane hermit : Tien and Sendoku
Ultimate Majin : Skedar and lnsomniac
Grand chef : Chichi
Plasma Majin : Aydee and Nitro
Karma majin : Flunda and Aydee
Dende priest : DrMed and Dreamer
Poko priest : Mew and Spat
Shadow knight : Xploder
Dark warrior : Sendoku and Andrea.
Now that you have a basic idea of what is what, let's get down to business with stats.
CON - Constitution - provides you with 75/85/95 LP and 7.5/8.5/9.5 LP regeneration (Human -> Majin -> Namek)
ENG - energy - provides you with 60/65/75 EP and 6/6.5/7.5 EP regeneration (Human -> Majin -> Namek)
FOC - Focus - proveides you with 10 hitrate, 10 successrate and 0.1 energy critical hitrate
DEX - Dexterity - provides you with 5 dodgerate, ,5 resistancerate and 0.1 physical critical hitrate
SOL - Soul - provides you with 2 energy attack
STR - Strength - provides you with 2 physical attack
Prop - Attack and defense property - If you have attribute advantage over a mob or player, you gain 1% attack and 1% defense advantage over the target.
KEEP IN MIND, THAT THESE STATS WERE PRESENT IN 2017 ONWARDS, and we do not know for certain if Daneos touched them!
PvE - Player vs Environemt, meaning you fight mobs.
PvP - Player vs Player
AoE - Area of Effect
DoT - Damage over time
HoT - Healing over time
Necklace drops from Ultimate Dungeons (UD) - 22 to 65 content
Earring drops from Time Machine Quest (TMQ) . 25 to 58 content
Ring drops from BID3 and BID4 (Boss in dungeon) - lv70 content
You can also get rare and excellent accessories from mudosa gambler machines, which you can find in west city southern side.
There is a 0.05% chance to obtain a stone from killing monsters, and there is a 100% success chance to upgrade your item, although this will most likely change in the very early part of 2021, as Verdant is making a new upgrade system.
In order to farm dragon balls, you have to kill mobs manually, and when they respawn, there is 0.5% chance that a mob will appear with a dragon ball icon, that mob is 100% guaranteed to give you a db. Keep in mind that you can ONLY SEE THE ICON IF YOU WERE THE ONE WHO KILLED THE MOB PREVIOUSLY.
If you have further questions, please join the DBOG official discord :