Higher Drop Rates in Kits

  • Ok, I make a thread here were I hope I can put every point and not being treated mean by people and not ignored. Actually the drop rates with the current system is very low , and with the new system, they will be lower for the current cap level kit (U56).

    And I want to know, why to make the drop rates of upgrade items so low? In the TW server, they were lower because upgrade items were sold in the cash shop, so people would pay real money to get higher upgrade levels faster, but since DBOG doesn't do that, why to keep it lower?

    Some people in discord made some statements to say why this is "Good"

    State: When people get full +15 they will have less incentive to play

    There are many things to do once you reach Full +15 with just 1 Character:

    - You could go to budo easily.

    - You could go to dungeons and get items that you can sell in AH.

    And this is my favorite:

    - You can start to gear up a new character, and start to enjoy how that character works. But since the low rates, it is hard to do this, because it is already pretty time consuming to gear up one char, now imaging another one

    State: You could use +9 coupons

    They are useless, people prefer +15 characters, so if you want to have chance to go to higher lvl dungeons, you would have to work your way up to +15

    State: It is an MMO you are going to have to farm for stuff

    No one is saying to remove the farming. Only to reduce drastically the time you need to invest in it. Every people knows that farming is one of the tedious task in RPG, where is the fun part of a videogame to farm for over 30 hours to get a full +15? So if I have 3 characters from different races, I would have to only farm over 90 hours to get full +15 in those 3? Why it is a bad thing to reduce that time? Everyone benefit of it

    State: People complain that it is too many people with +15 then say they want it to be easier to get +15

    I don't know what this person is saying, the people that complain about too many people with +15 isn't the same people that want the full +15 to be easier to get. And I'm seriously don't understand why some people want the full +15 to be harder to get. It was an special thing in TW because P2W, why that has to be a thing here? In that time there were a lot of things specials that they are not anymore in this server:

    - Permanent vehicles and fuels. You will have to work hard on them, now everyone have those in a couple of minutes of farming

    - DB Events. So many little events, and in america in hard schedules for everyone, so the wishes were specials. Now the event is 24/7

    - Wagu machines. I've only remember one event in a year where you could use Wagu Machine for free. Now you can use it every hour for free

    - LVL Up 33. Another cash item that cost a lot of money to skip 23 levels, now we have LVL 30 for less than 1kk so only we would have to go to those 30 levels if we want to

    - Z32. Another very special item. And now cost lest than 1kk

    - Silver boxes. Another very very rare item. Before you would have to farm hours and hours to get gear with the stat you want from drop, now you can buy them for 500k, a pretty easy way to get the stat you want

    - Pet stuff. Before you couldn't change skill pet easily neither lvl them up, and you would have to spend a lot of money and more than 100 hundreds of hours to get a pet at lvl 4, now you can do it in 60 hours and for 2.5kk

    - Dogis. Before you would have to choose if buy a Halo for 100kk or a good piece of gear. Now people who only has played for 8 hours, can buy a full set of dogi.

    - Skill reset and change class. Skill reset? Only with a 300kk item, change class? Impossible. Now, you are in a main town and you can change the class and reset the skill with a command, instead of redo a new char or create another for the other subclass

    So, many things that were specials in that game and you had to work hard for them, here they are not anymore.

    The only special things in Global are the exclusive things for the winners of budokai. Auras, and dogis. And there no matter if you have full +15, if you do not work hard to learn how to fight every class, and how to master yours, you won't be able to win. The same thing happens in CC, if you do not know how to fight rooms or the bosses, they will beat you even with a team full +15

    State: If you work hard and other people get what you get by doing little to nothing, how is that fair? Lol where is the competition.

    How some people will get by doing little to nothing where everyone will have the same drop rate? How is that unfair? This guy think that if the drop rates are higher for everyone, that is unfair somehow. And what competition? You are not better that other one only because you have luck and get the +15 faster. No sense

    State: You can farm them, craft them, buy them from other players, buy them with tokens, buy them with mudosa, or use coupons

    - Farm them: Take many hours to do it, in my case I have farm more than 20 hours and I haven't gotten more than 15 stones

    - Craft them: Yes, it is a good option, but with the low rates, will still take a lot of times to get an u56

    - Buy them from other players: Nothing to argue here

    - Buy them with tokens: The current stones have a fair price, but the u14 kit will cost 500 tokens each. To get an u28, you would need 2500 tokens, to get an u42 you would need 12500 tokens, and to get an u56 you would need 62500 tokens nor including the prices of crafting all those things. Not worth it, even with an 2x token event

    - Buy them with mudosa: If we take the prices shared last time of mudosa, we would need almost 19kk of mudosa points. We will have to win 59 budos to get a u56. Even if we set the price to 15000 per kit, it means to win 6 budos to get a stone, something still hard for players that wins 3 times budo per week

    - Use Coupons: I already told why was a bad idea. People would still prefer +15 characters in higher level dungeons

    Ok, that's all I have to say. In my opinion, the only special things would have to be budo champion exclusive things, where people have to work hard to learn about the game and how to masteries it

    Where is the fun part in doing a task for more than 30 hours over and over again?

    Most people would give up knowing that and leave the game, instead of stay.

    This is suppose to be a casual game to have fun, why turn it into a game where you would have to farm for hours to unlock the fun?

    I'm glad for the staff to make things like the vehicles, z32, pet stuff, db events, dogis, silver boxes, changeclass command, Wagu machines, dogis, etc. Because with those things I have enjoyed this game more than in TW, but I don't know why the full +15 is still like the end of the line, when is the start

  • The idea behind it is slower progression, that still feels rewarding in the moment. I don't have enough extra, replayable content in the game yet where I'd be comfortable with people rocketing to +15. This upgrade system is meant to last us a long time, and give players something to work towards slowly.

  • Hi Verdant, there is replayable content, as I stated. In my case, I have leveled up 4 characters only with quests, and it is fun to test the skills while you level up that way, you feel the progression and it feels so good. And I still have more chars to test that way, because that is my way to have fun with the game right now.

    That thing happens with games like dark souls, it is the same game, but you have replayable content, like clearing the game with this or that weapon, with this or that build, doing this or other path.

    I believe that you have the idea if people get +15 fast will leave the game, and players won't have find groups fast. But normally, people get a decent gear to put stones from dungeons, or something like that, but after that, they will have to spend hours of farming alone, because farming with other people takes longer because you have to share the loot. So, some people won't do dungeons because they will be farming alone, and other players will have it hard to find groups.

    That is what I think.

    Also, I don't understand why people think that getting things slower is better. The same thing happens with the quests of yellow and red map, the progression there is too slow compare to previous maps, so people do UD3 because they want to progress fast. Usually, people want reasonable progression instead of doing 100 hours to get something that shouldn't mean the end of the game. Because if you are +15 in cap 55 you can aim for budo, and that is not an easy task to do.

    You guys have done an amazing job to make this game more fun than retail and Daneos era, and I hope you still getting better, but sadly, I don't think making +15 still a very time consuming thing isn't the right way

  • In my opinion, yes, I don't know how much that will impact the economy, but It would. Right now people sell mobs with dragon balls for 200-350k.

    I suggested for boosting the zeni that the dragon balls give as wish, but because right now wasn't worth it, and I was thinking something like 1.5kk to 2kk. 5.5kk is a little higher.

  • Well, I can't be sure how things will be, but dragon balls have higher drops and people drop them easily, usually people gather 4 in one hour. That is why I think it could change the economy. But in this economy matter, I am not an expert, maybe it won't change a lot. But at least it will increase the prices of dragon balls to 785k

  • You think it's too much zeni?

    Hello sir, I am SerenityView, I can't register a new account because I don't get digital code in the mail, I tried 2 mails but doesn't work so I am using this old account :D

    Yep yep, I love the way you're doing Verdant Sama. I and somebody don't have good equipment to do dungeon likes TMQ and UD solo or even in a party T.T

    So I like the farming mob on the outside map with the normal mob and I can do it alone. I love looting dragon ball but at this moment its price is very low. I even don't want to farm or try to sell them for people at this time T.T

    I really love to have more wishes <3

    Please let us make more Zeni from dragon ball on the map then we don't have to do dungeon-like strong player, Verdant Sama <3

    Thank you so much for doing great work, making the game we love better <3

    DBOG Revival Dev Team <3 <3 <3

  • First of all people who complain about too many +15 are people who don't even try to gear up and sit on plat all day.

    Secondly the only reason there are so many +15 atm is because of the quests giving stones and verdant making that event which granted some people over 30 stones and 150kk zenis.

    If you were to farm outside of UD3 atm, your progression will be slow as hell. But since the increased rate per mob rarity will be removed, it'll be the same thing for everyone now, BUT with a ~30% lower drop rate. Unless someone finds an exploit there won't be many +15 anytime soon unless you buy kits for $$.

  • We can cut the zeni in half for the wishes, I'm fine with that. We'll see how the new upgrade system turned out. Even with the quests and the one event with stones, and that bug that was up for a few minutes, and a calculation bug with drop rate, the number of +15's in the game is still extremely low, only around 6% have a single +15 item the last time I checked, and around 100 had full +15, so we'll see how it goes. If the rates are too low, we can always increase them. I'd rather have it too low to begin with, than too high.

  • unknown.png

    This is what I got after killing 1608 enemies, 2 hours of farming. My luck was very weird. I got 2 u56 in the first 40 minutes, and after the hour I didn't get any kits. Also, I only got 4 DBs. Knowing that I got a lot of luck with the 2 u56, I can't be agree with the current rates. It requires too many hours, and with how much the kits will cost, I don't think is viable to get them in AH

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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