• Hi Verdant, I have a very good idea to help players, especially new ones who do a lot of missions and have fun that way. The idea is that you add one or two BOTS Buffer in a city like Korin(Ultimate and Chef only in one Channel). Can you create some kind of NPC with a script that uses Buffs with zero cooldown? It would be nice to see people coming for Buffs.

    I am Buffer and I try to help by giving Buffs but sometimes they suffer for not having someone to help them with buff.

  • yes but also ulti is just god-like PVE then any other class

    tbh no sure you can farm at certain amount with ulti's spinn but or else it wont last long and it slow asf

    turtle will be always the main pve farming class all the way cause of fast farming

    having npc buff would boost turtle but again this idea will just put ultimate and grand chef useless for their skills some makes like 0 sense to do you don't create those class just cause they got spinn to clear pve content you lvl them to become usefull in party lmao they are only made for mostly the buffs and not dmg lmao

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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