hey its been a long time since ive been here want to know what in game changes have been made and if possible would i be able to get a character model of goku or vegeta ingame with boosted stats. Thanks
Thinking of returning
Hey Jack,
You can have a peek through the patch notes to see what new stuff is here. We've made a lot of new events, new upgrade systems, new farming systems, new titles, new dogis, new anti bot code, a lot of bug fixes and optimizations. We've been pretty busy!
thats really awesome and thanks for all the hardwork. But regarding the models and boosted stats is there any possibility you can do that for me?
What do you mean the models and boosted stats? O.O
you know the goku character you see when you go back in time and the vegeta one you fight ; that is what i mean by models like can they be added to my character list. Boosted stats: basically increase in stats like hp , attack , defence etc.
You want me to make your characters look like goku, and you want me to boost their stats? O.o
well if it can be done for only my account plus you could make it fun , any player that beats me gets a random item etc. It can be goku or vegeta.
also you could introduce death duels in which both players have to bet either zenni or items and winner takes all .
It's not really fair to the other players for only you to look like main characters from the franchise, or to make events centered around you.
well it doesnt have to be centered around me and im sure they won't mind considering they play dbog with the purpose of playing as their own created character.
It's not really fair to the other players for only you to look like main characters from the franchise, or to make events centered around you.
So have you thought about it?
About letting people play as vegeta or goku? Not sure. We may enable those hairstyles eventually, but I don't think we'd let people play as those characters.
ok but if you do change your mind do update and thanks for considering you are going to be a great admin
Thanks! If we add them I'll definitely make a big announcement
thanks can you only add it for me then if possible ?
Verdant You're too patient dev. I admire You.
thanks can you only add it for me then if possible ?
I can't do this, it's not fair to the other players! Besides, if only one person is going to look like Goku, it'll be me!
Verdant You're too patient dev. I admire You.
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