Hmmm idk if this was discussed before but when you're sitting your LP and EP is suppose to regenerate. I mean it does but it is unusually slow compared to the old dbo, makes you have to bust a pot every now and then. Just imagine when transformations are out, maintaining EP will be a struggle, I know kaioken is there, and that's a good example already.
EP and LP Regeneration
Yes, the regenerations is very slowly.
True.. but I believe it'll change
I'm pretty sure know about it as I was told by several other people in game that they already made it aware so I'm sure they'll fix it or make it even better. Who knows (x
I think they will fix it, because the way it is now it is quite useless. Atleast for later lvls.. 2 LP/EP every 2 seconds, when you get 60 con or eng you get 4 every 2 seconds from my expierence.. If i remember right in original DBO it was around 2 LP/EP for 1 Con/eng means 60 con generated 120 LP every 2 sec while standing and not under attack - sitting gave 100% bonus means ~ 240 LP every 2 sec..
Feel free to correct me if you know the right digit/formula.. Unfortunately i threw all my studies and notes that i made about DBO away when they closed it..
I had most of this figured, out atleast for HK version.. -
I think they will fix it, because the way it is now it is quite useless. Atleast for later lvls.. 2 LP/EP every 2 seconds, when you get 60 con or eng you get 4 every 2 seconds from my expierence.. If i remember right in original DBO it was around 2 LP/EP for 1 Con/eng means 60 con generated 120 LP every 2 sec while standing and not under attack - sitting gave 100% bonus means ~ 240 LP every 2 sec..
Feel free to correct me if you know the right digit/formula.. Unfortunately i threw all my studies and notes that i made about DBO away when they closed it..
I had most of this figured, out atleast for HK version..So I have like 7000 LP in my lvl 23 Namekian (with like 4200 extra from buffs) and my constitution is up by 22, but I still recover 2 LP every 2 secs... I don't know, when you say it like this it means I am supposed to regenerate about 2+(22 X 2) which equal 46 LP.
I think they will change it later
Wish I could find a video showing exactly how much... hm
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