[EN] Patch Notes - 2021-09-25 - Bounty Hunter Event!

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    Hey Everyone,

    The Bounty Hunter Event is here! New titles, new items, and new ways to play! See below for the patch notes.


    • @age command added to check your character's age!
    • Cost of Stinger outfit/Bumblebee/Bee Bus reduced to 150 Huge Honey/150k Zeni.
    • Reduced the cost of Anniversary outfits to 100 points each.
    • Bounty Hunter Event added! Every 4 hours a random mob is marked as the current bounty.
    • Defeat the mob to collect the bounty from the Event Vendor!
    • Each bounty you collect gives + point (+ 1 level for each title) toward the new Bounty Hunter title track! (Novice Bounty Hunters get 2 points, Bounty Hunters 3, Adept Bounty Hunters 4, etc).
    • Use @bountyhunter to see how many bounties you've collected!
    • Each channel gets a different random bounty.
    • Everyone in the party with a unique IP, within 100 meters when the bounty is defeated can collect the bounty!
    • Level 1-29, 30-49, and 50+ get different bounties based on the mob's level.
    • Bounties contain random materials, upgrade kits, gemstones, and zeni/daily buff bonuses.

    Bounty Hunter Title Requirements:

    Novice Bounty Hunter15
    Bounty Hunter75
    Adept Bounty Hunter375
    Master Bounty Hunter1875
    God of Bounty Hunters9001

    Helper Title Track Info:

    • 5 New Helper titles added
    • Send proof of helping new players to staff to collect your rewards from the Event Vendor!
    • After God of Helpers, players will move into the Tester title track and gain access to the test server!
    • Helper rewards include the same capsules as the Bounty Hunter rewards!
    TitlePlayers Helped
    Novice Helper10
    Adept Helper50
    Master Helper75
    God of Helpers100

    Now that the Bounty Hunter event is in place, we'll be reaching out to potential Helpers and other staff members soon! Look forward to a Ranked PvP rework, Translation work, more work on 2.0, new events, and much more in upcoming patches! As always, thank you so much for your support and donations, and thank you for playing and being here with us! We couldn't do any of this without you. See you in game!

  • where can i find the creatures to defeat?

    They are in a different location each time, you'll get a notification when you log in as to which creature it is. You will have to explore and find them over time! You can also ask me for hints in discord. I can help narrow it down for you though. If you are level 1-29, the enemy is probably somewhere in Kokkara or Korin Forest. 30-50 is usually Korin Forest or Westland, and 50+ is usually Aria Waterfall or Westland dungeons. I'll be working on adding more mobs and locations soon!

  • For the event? The event is hard coded in English for now, but we'll translate it eventually. This is just the first version of that event, a prototype, so to speak. If you're talking about the whole game, just click the gear in the launcher, at the bottom right by the start button.

    It would be good to keep the names in English in all translations, either for mobs and objects, it is useful in objects to be in English to search the auction.

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