Much needed balanace

  • Is it possible to add an item that breaks you out of all crowd control effects once every 2-3min (usable in budo and unaffected by cooldown reduction)? I believe this will add a great deal of balance to the game and be a well needed addition that would add a deeper pvp experience and give players a better chance to win by out playing their opponent as opposed to just getting stuck in a cc for the entire fight unable to act.

  • El tema del PVP en DBO es un tema complicado, la verdad uno puede buscar y encontrar muchas formas de obtener un mejor pvp, no digo que se pueda pero de momento no creo que se retoque el pvp

    Mi recomendacion es que aprendas un tema de pvp actual que sirva para disfrutar de algo de pvp ;(

  • Is it possible to add an item that breaks you out of all crowd control effects once every 2-3min (usable in budo and unaffected by cooldown reduction)? I believe this will add a great deal of balance to the game and be a well needed addition that would add a deeper pvp experience and give players a better chance to win by out playing their opponent as opposed to just getting stuck in a cc for the entire fight unable to act.

    We're probably just going to reduce/remove a lot of the CC when we start balancing. I don't think requiring an item to play pvp would solve this kind of problem.

  • Thats awesome to hear. I just figured adding a something like this if possible, would be easier and could add something new to the pvp engagements without changing the way the class are played too much and also balancing things the cc a bit. Also it would lessen the need for people to have multiple sets for resistances and cc reduction% since they can choose when to use it and break themselves free of the bigger cc in a fight.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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