Code of Conduct - Forum

  • Code of Conduct - Forum

    Welcome to the Dragonball Online - Global Forums. To ensure that your stay is as pleasant and constructive as possible, we require all forum members to read and agree to this Forums Code of Conduct.

    Our Philosophy:

    • Keep it clean
    • Keep it civil
    • Stay on topic
    • Be responsible
    • Share your knowledge
    • Report posts for removal if they violate these standards

    The Dragonball Online - Global Forums are provided as part of the Dragonball Online - Global game service and are subject to this Dragonball Online - Global Forums Code of Conduct (“Code of Conduct”), the Dragonball Online - Global User Agreement, the Dragonball Online - Global Rules of Conduct, and our Website Terms of Use.

    The Dragonball Online - Global Forums are intended to provide Dragonball Online - Global players with a friendly environment to exchange information, get the latest news, share community-created content, interact with Dragonball Online - Global staff members, and discuss Dragonball Online with other members of the community. The forums also furnish a place to report game bugs directly to the developers and support team and, when needed, to follow up on account or support issues. This Code of Conduct explains the behavior that is expected of all community members. Your use of the Dragonball Online - Global Forums constitutes acceptance of this Code of Conduct.

    • Read the forum before asking a question. There’s a good chance your question has already been answered.
    • Use the search function before posting. This will focus the discussion and facilitate a response.
    • Stay on topic and create a new post for tangentially related topics.
    • Do not cross post. Post your message once in the appropriate sub-forum and nowhere else; otherwise it will be locked or removed without warning.
    • Use a relevant thread title that clearly expresses the subject of the thread.
    • Avoid frivolous and duplicate postings.
    • The official language of this forum is English . Please post and respond in that language only.
    • Do not post in all capital letters; do not use “leetspeek,” excessive punctuation, colored text, alternating lower case and capital letters, etc. Please refrain from these and other similar attention-seeking tactics to draw attention to your post. Let your post stand on its own merits.
    • Do not spam. This includes bumping threads or making posts that lack content.
    • Be respectful. Be pleasant to forum members, staff members, and moderators.
    • Do not use profanity, insults, or personal attacks. If you have a problem with another member, contact a moderator.
    • Do not submit “trolling” posts or threads. We define “trolling” as commenting in a manner intended to elicit overly strong negative and emotional responses for mere shock value, attempting to derail threads, persistently posting off-topic, or engaging in personal attacks on another forum member. Accounts made with the sole intent to “troll” will be terminated.
    • Do not engage in personal attacks against forum members or in character assassination. Posts that attack another member, that single out a player for ridicule, or that accuse someone of inappropriate in-game actions will be removed without notice. In-game violations should be reported directly to our Support Team. If you believe that using the support system did not result in a sufficient or timely response, you may post your concern in the Support section of the forums.
    • Do not debate Customer Support decisions or actions. Threads or posts designed to announce, appeal, or contest your own or another player’s suspension or account termination—be it forum or game account—will be removed without notice.
    • Do not post about locked, deleted, or otherwise moderated threads or posts. Moderation happens for a reason. A staff member or moderator may lock a thread before posting in order to promptly curtail continued comments. If you have yet to see a comment by a staff member on a locked thread, please wait for the comment to appear and do not post a new thread on the subject.
    • Do not circumvent the word filter. The Support Forum, like the game, is filtered for appropriate language. Any attempt to circumvent this filter will not be tolerated including the use of “creative spelling” or of forum names or signatures that contain a word that is censored by the prohibited words filter.
    • Do not post petitions, “I demand an answer” threads, conspiracy threads, or comments about circumventing the rules.
    • Do not post on behalf of a suspended or banned user.
    • Do not post legal action threads. Using the forums or PMs to encourage, promote, endorse, or incite any kind of legal action against the company or any individual is strictly prohibited. Such content will be removed, and the author’s posting privileges will be permanently revoked.
    • If you wish to report a post, use the Report Post button located on the post in question. Please, do not create a new forum thread linking to posts or threads that you feel should be moderated. Reported posts will be reviewed by the moderator staff and addressed as necessary.
    • You are responsible for making sure that your account information, particularly your email address, is current and complete.
    • All forum content is permitted or removed at the discretion of Dragonball Online Global.

    You further agree not take any action, upload, post, email, or otherwise transmit any content that:

    • infringes or violates any third party rights;
    • violates any law or regulation;
    • transmits real-life personal information about other players or Dragonball Online - Global personnel;
    • which insultingly refers to other characters, players, Dragonball Online - Global personnel, or groups of people;
    • involves the use of illegal drugs or performing illegal activities;
    • is harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or is racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
    • that insultingly refers to any aspect of sexual orientation pertaining to themselves or other players;
    • which insultingly portrays major religions or religious figures;
    • which promotes hatred of any kind, including that based on nation, race, religion, age, sex, gender orientation, or culture.
    • that refers to violent sexual acts or real life violent actions, pornography, inappropriate references to human anatomy or bodily functions, gratuitously offensive content, or content which refers to violence in any capacity that is not directly related to the game world;
    • would violate any right or duty under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as inside information or proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under non-disclosure agreements)
    • advertises any businesses, organizations, or websites; shows unreleased in-game items, equipment, or areas that have been unlocked via hacking into client data files

    In addition, you agree not to do any of the following:

    • Impersonate any person.
    • Upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or any other form of solicitation;
    • Attempt to gain access to a password, other account information, or other private information. Remember: Dragonball Online - Global personnel will NEVER ask for your password. Do not reveal your password, reminder words, or billing information to anyone;
    • Advertise or solicit the sale or trade of a Dragonball Online - Global account; advertise or solicit the sale or trade of any account or item related to another game; advertise or solicit the sale of gold or items for real world currency; promote or aid in any such transaction;
    • Improperly use the customer support ticketing system or make false reports to Dragonball Online - Global staff members;
    • Provide false information or intentionally hide any information when registering for your Dragonball Online - Global account;
    • Post profanity or otherwise objectionable content in your profile.
    • “Stalk” or otherwise harass another member.
    • Evade ban by creating another Account.

    Last update 20.09.2017

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