Off-topic thread for the pre open beta discussions thread..
Spam your crap here. thanks
Off-topic thread for the pre open beta discussions thread..
Spam your crap here. thanks
I am here for the new thread. Just krillin. By the way, Dragon Ball Online Global as the next best thing to Call of Duty.
Here, have a random meme:
waiting for dat majin buu-ty
so can we enter to the game now or not???
so can we enter to the game now or not???
Not yet, we need to wait.
i Am like just waiting for it to open >.> dont wanna sleep when its on...
i Am like just waiting for it to open >.> dont wanna sleep when its on...
You might sleep well as long as you are somewhere near Middle Europe. Servers might go up in daytime in this region, since Daneos is from Germany.
hi, a question I would have, we can dbo already installed or it is worth more to reload it? If dbo is online?
where will the server be hosted
i Am like just waiting for it to open >.> dont wanna sleep when its on...
You should go to sleep. It's unhealthy to stay up at night.. especially that the progress of the pre-open beta will be deleted, so whether you're a top player or a sucker, the character will be deleted anyways :D. hope that makes u feel comfortable to sleep lol
did they say how long pre open beta will last before they start open beta?
I am here for the new thread. Just krillin. By the way, Dragon Ball Online Global as the next best thing to Call of Duty.
Here, have a random meme:
here my crap :grapeman9:
Ryuumon ....
That is the largest crap I have ever seen! At least it dresses well. lol
for sure man
1 day left until my Birthday hits and Pre-Open Beta starts...
I smell of cake soon...What about you?
You're goddamn right.
Rest In Peace Pre-Open Beta Discussion, you took too much Off-Topic that you died of Cardiac Arrest. 2016-2016
Display More1 day left until my Birthday hits and Pre-Open Beta starts...
I smell of cake soon...What about you?
You're goddamn right.
Rest In Peace Pre-Open Beta Discussion, you took too much Off-Topic that you died of Cardiac Arrest. 2016-2016
''Cardiac Arest.'' lmao, i'm dying :)))))
Let's hope Daneos didn't got mad, because he could delay the PoB like GabeN delay's Half-Life 3 T_T
I'll be there, smiling as ever!
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