Hey Everyone,
It's been a little while since we posted patch notes. That doesn't mean we haven't been working, we just haven't done any bigger 1.0 patches, as most of our focus has been on 2.0. However, we took a little break from it the past few days to make a quick 1.0 patch for you guys to enjoy while we work on 2.0. We hope you guys enjoy it! Check out the details below.
Advanced Adventure
We've implemented a new mechanic we're calling Advanced Adventure, and released some new rewards alongside it. If you're familiar with rebirth/new game plus mechanics in other games, you'll be familiar with Advanced Adventure. You can summon Shenron to wish to reset your adventure to the beginning. You'll be reduced to level 1 and all your skills, quests, and missions will be reset. It can only be done from level 70 characters. The map revealers will be reset as well. You'll retain all your items and titles, but having your level 70 items equipped won't give you any stats. Additionally, you'll gain points toward a title track that will give you bonus XP, and XP scrolls used by Advanced Adventurers also benefit quest XP.
Please note that you cannot use any of the level skip items to get all of the Adventure Pass rewards. You must level up normally, the tiers have a max cap of 9 levels above the lower level. For example, the level 10 tier must be opened by a character between level 10 and 19.
Title | Required Adventures | XP Boost |
Phoenix | 1 | 10% |
Prodigy | 3 | 20% |
Luminary | 6 | 30% |
Erudite | 10 | 40% |
Savant | 15 | 50% |
Alongside the Advanced Adventure system, we're releasing what we're calling Adventure Passes. These are items that function a bit like Popo Gift boxes. We're releasing three at the moment, but there will be more later throughout the year. These are essentially battle passes, if you've ever played a game containing those. As you level up on your Advanced Adventure (or on a new character) you can progress through the Adventure Pass and unlock rewards at each tier. You can't use level up items to skip the tiers, you must actually level up by playing the game. The free Adventure Pass is available in the Token Shop for 15k Tokens. This one is targeted at veteran players who are just looking for a new way to shake up the game. It contains a lot of items that will give you in game power, so it's not available in the Global Point Shop. The Advanced Adventure Pass is the paid version of the Adventure pass, so it doesn't contain any items that give significant in game power. It contains primarily cosmetics in the form of dogis, pets, and vehicles. The Bunny Adventure Pass is also available in the Global Point shop, and also contains primarily cosmetics and Bunny Event related items.
Adventure Pass (15k Tokens)
Level | Rewards |
1 | Advanced Adventure, Z20 x4 |
10 | 200% XP Scroll x3, U14 Weapon Upgrade Kit x7, U14 Armor Upgrade Kit x21, Silver Equipment Box x3, Gemstones, Potion Set |
20 | U29 Weapon Upgrade Kit x8, U29 Armor Upgrade Kit x24, Silver Equipment Box x6, Superior Gemstones, Z24 x4 |
30 | U29 Weapon Upgrade Kit x7, U29 Armor Upgrade Kit x21, Silver Equipment Box x10, Superior Gemstones, Potion Set, 200% XP Scroll x3 |
40 | U42 Weapon Upgrade Kit x7, U42 Armor Upgrade Kit x21, Silver Equipment Box x13, Excellent Gemstones |
50 | U56 Weapon Upgrade Kit x4, U56 Armor Upgrade Kit x12, Silver Equipment Box x16, Rare Gemstones |
60 | U56 Weapon Upgrade Kit x4, U56 Armor Upgrade Kit x12, Silver Equipment Box x20, 200% XP Scroll x3, Rare Gemstones, Potion Set, Z32 x4 |
70 | Hyperbolic Stopwatch, U70 Weapon Upgrade Kit x2, U70 Armor Upgrade Kit x6, Silver Equipment Box x23, Legendary Gemstones |
Advanced Adventure Pass (2k Global Points)
Level | Rewards |
1 | Advanced Adventure, Z20 x4 |
10 | Potion Set, Krillin Dogi, Bulma Outfit, Yamcha Outfit, Wagu Coin, Event Coin, Speeding Beast, Low Grade Pet Food, 200% XP Scroll x3 |
20 | Tien Dogi, Wagu Coin, Event Coin, Mecha Egg, Z24 x4, Neon Fuel |
30 | Potion Set, Future Trunks Outfit, Wagu Coin, Event Coin, Speed Kangaroo, Medium Grade Pet Food, 200% XP Scroll x3 |
40 | Saiyan Elite Outfit, Wagu Coin, Event Coin, Z28 x4, Briefs Cat Pet, Krypton Fuel |
50 | Kid Gohan Gi, Wagu Coin, Event Coin, Red Flame Rhino, High Grade Pet Food |
60 | Potion Set, Piccolo Gi, Wagu Coin x5, Event Coin x5, Z32 x4, Yellow Poo Egg, Xenon Fuel, 200% XP Scroll x3 |
70 | Hyperbolic Stopwatch, Goku Dogi, Wagu Coin x10, Event Coin x10, Pink Panties Pet, Saiyan Pod, Premium Grade Pet Food |
Easter Adventure Pass (1k Global Points)
Level | Rewards |
1 | Advanced Adventure, Z20 x4 |
10 | Monster Carrot Capsule, Dry Carrot x10, Dry Carrot Backpack |
20 | Rabbit Corps Capsule, Dry Carrot x20, Red Bunny Bus |
30 | Pink Bunny Outfit, Pink Bunny Hat, Dry Carrot x30, Fresh Carrot Backpack |
40 | Z28 x4, Blue Bunny Outfit, Blue Bunny Hat, Carrot x10, Orange Bunny Bus |
50 | Bulma Bunny Red Outfit, Bulma Bunny Striped Outfit, Red Bunny Ears, Carrot x20 |
60 | Z32 x4, Bulma Bunny White Outfit, White Bunny Ears, Carrot x30, Purple Bunny Bus |
70 | Hyperbolic Stopwatch, Bulma Bunny Outfit, Bunny Ears, Perfect Carrot x10, Green Bunny Bus, Pink Bunny Bus |
These aren't meant to be the most optimal ways to play, they're just meant to be new fun ways to enjoy the game and add replayability while we work on new features. We hope you enjoy them! I'm going to list all the miscellaneous changes coming in this patch, and that we've added in the last few patches.
Miscellaneous Changes
- Bulma Bunny, God of Destruction v2, and Bulchi cosmetics have been added to the GP shop.
- All Bulma Bunny, Bunny Ears, God of Destruction, and Bulchi cosmetics can now be equipped on male and non human characters.
- Mobs in the early rooms of UD2 and 3 have had their XP reduced by 25%.
- All XP boosts are now properly calculated additively.
- XP Scrolls now apply to quests for Advanced Adventurers.
- Advanced Adventure item added - gives characters the ability to begin their adventure again. It is available in the GP, Token, and Mudosa shops, as well as in wish form from Shenron.
- Wearing items above your current level no longer gives any stat boost.
- Refactored anticheat to add a rubberbanding mechanic, instead of the more punishing disconnects.
- All CCBD Materials, Titles and Coins can now be sold to merchants for Zeni.
- Added CC Amber Guard title to CCBD rewards on the Reklz vendor - it gives a 25% movespeed bonus.
- All CCBD Titles now require a CC Blessed Azure.
- Reklz now sells Silver Equipment Boxes and Potions for CCBD Coins and Zeni.
- Silver Equipment Box Token cost reduced to 50.
- Added option to trade 50 Event Coins for 150 Silver Equipment Boxes on Event vendors.
- Changed the default option for CCBD Reward Selection to Challenge instead of Exit.
- Reduced cooldown for sending mail to 15 seconds.
- Reduced level requirement for sending mail to level 5.
- CCBD Material rarity changed to Rare.
- Dragon Ball rarity changed to Legendary.
- Fixed a bug causing the anticheat to incorrectly flag flying players.
- Fixed a bug causing the anticheat to incorrectly use base movespeed during speed calculation.
- Fixed a bug causing teleporting in Classic CCBD to disconnect players.
- Fixed a bug causing disconnecting in Classic CCBD to sometimes cause a dungeon fail.
- Fixed a bug causing the CCBD reconnect system to work on players who don't dc.
- Fixed a bug causing CCBD to deliver rewards to players who don't select the Reward option.
That should be all the patch notes of the last few small patches caught up! This was about a week long break from working on 2.0. Progress on 2.0 is slow due in part to some unavoidable IRL obligations the devs have, but hopefully we'll be more free soon to focus more on 2.0. Internal testing is going well, and we've enabled most of the missing features from 1.0. We're still aiming for a full release this year, and hopefully some staff and player testing soon. We'll keep working hard and keep you posted on any changes! As always, thank you so much for playing and supporting us. We'll see you in game!