Fly Quest bugged?

  • So my Fly Quest seems bugged. I got to the point where I killed the War Monkeys and returned to Qiamu. He then told me to go to Daryl, and gave me a training flight scroll to do so, but didn't give me a quest to do so. I flew to Daryl anyway, and Daryl has no quest for me, either.

    After a while, I got three messages stating that I've gotten mail from Qiamu, with the guide to flying. However, I also got a message that my quest list was full and that my inventory was full.

    It's at this point that I suspect that my flight quest is now bugged.

    I've checked my mailbox, there's nothing there. I've tried relogging, nothing's happened. I've tried completing some other quests to open at least three spaces in my quest log, and that's not doing anything either. I have over five inventory spaces free, so unless I'm getting bombarded with a deluge of items, I should have enough space.

    Is there something I'm doing wrong, or is my flight quest well and truly bugged?

    The character in question is Sabot, an Adult Spiritualist.

    UPDATE: So I managed to get the Fly skill quest to progress, by completing my subclass quest. Nowhere in the game's help menu, the site's description of the flight quest, or the quest itself does it state that doing so is mandatory to continue with the Flight quest, so I hope you'll forgive me for believing that I was in a bugged state - it certainly gave the impression of being bugged.

    UPDATE #2: I was able to complete the quest and get my flying ability.

    Edited 3 times, last by Nerva: Edited to include character name and some clarifications. Updated with further info. ().

  • Hey Nerva,

    That's correct, you need to have a subclass to fly. This is just one of those things that likely won't be updated until we get to the flight rework, as any work we do now would just have to be removed later anyway. Our time as devs is pretty limited and currently we're focusing on major technical issues and getting the new client ready, so that's why little things like this seem to slip through the cracks. We'll get it all fixed up eventually!

    • :)
    • :(
    • ;)
    • :P
    • ^^
    • xD
    • ;(
    • X(
    • :*
    • :|
    • 8o
    • D:
    • <X
    • ||
    • :/
    • :S
    • X/
    • 8)
    • ?(
    • :huh:
    • :rolleyes:
    • <3
    • 8|
    • :cursing:
    • :thumbdown:
    • :thumbup:
    • :sleeping:
    • :whistling:
    • :evil:
    • :saint:
    • =O
    • :!:
    • :?:
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