2.0 Client Development Update

  • Isn't it funny that in the Dragon Ball Online Discord server, all we hear from Verdant most of the time is "Rebooting server" or "Server is back up" When will something interesting happen?

    Do you want to read "Fixed a flight bug in 2.0" over and over in patch notes, or would you rather I just fix it and then save the patch notes for when it's live?

  • Thank you verdant for your efforts! I can't wait to play 2.0 sometime this year.
    I won't be playing much in the coming months, I'll be working a lot.
    Happy trails, good luck and happy new year!

    And don't mind the nay-sayers in here, they're either trolls from other servers, or just plain rude.

  • Thank you verdant for your efforts! I can't wait to play 2.0 sometime this year.
    I won't be playing much in the coming months, I'll be working a lot.
    Happy trails, good luck and happy new year!

    And don't mind the nay-sayers in here, they're either trolls from other servers, or just plain rude.

    No problem! We're making good progress on it. Nay sayers are just fuel in the tank!

  • No problem! We're making good progress on it. Nay sayers are just fuel in the tank!

    Hello and Happy New Year!.
    I haven't played this game since likely around late 2018. I think there was a conversation about the 2.0 client before 2019 but for whatever reason Daneos stopped working on the project. I'm a bit surprised to see that there is going to be a 2.0 client after all, but after so much time.

    I noticed that my characters from 2017 still exist, they just got reverted to level 1 and I lost everything, but the names and guilds are the same, is it going to be new resets in the future?

  • Hello and Happy New Year!.
    I haven't played this game since likely around late 2018. I think there was a conversation about the 2.0 client before 2019 but for whatever reason Daneos stopped working on the project. I'm a bit surprised to see that there is going to be a 2.0 client after all, but after so much time.

    I noticed that my characters from 2017 still exist, they just got reverted to level 1 and I lost everything, but the names and guilds are the same, is it going to be new resets in the future?

    Hey, welcome back! No, there won't be any more full resets. There will be targeted resets as we rework things, like we recently did with the budokai titles, but nothing that should significantly hamper gameplay progress.

  • Hey, welcome back! No, there won't be any more full resets. There will be targeted resets as we rework things, like we recently did with the budokai titles, but nothing that should significantly hamper gameplay progress.

    Thank you!
    I have two more questions, I checked my 4 accounts in the main page, two of them have an active status, the other 2 say pending, what is the meaning of this? I checked in the game and the accounts can be accessed.

    The other question is related to the translation, english and spanish, I was wondering if you have that covered.

  • Pending just means you never activated the account via clicking the link in your email. What do you mean by "have that covered"?

    There was no notification so I missed the response until now.

    Uh so I had the accounts for 6 years and never activated them, well I didn't even think about that, thanks for clearing it up.

    I mean if you need people to help in the translation, I can help in the english and spanish translation. I helped in Zenkai for a few weeks before the project ended, we were doing well.
    From what I have seen in game while playing and doing quests, some quests (that have been translated) do not make much sense, for example they ask for an item in the quest description, to later find out that such item has a different name in the open world, looking into detail, I'm sure there is a lot to do.

    Last time I translated in Zenkai, we were doing the Blue map, they had a tool that let you check related texts, for example, a mob name being shown in a quest description, it let you search for that mob and translate everything related to said quest, so it has coherence. We used both the Japanese and Korean source, as both had different details, almost always one made more sense than the other.

    I don't have much free time as before, but anything should help if done correctly.

  • We'll probably do some hiring of translators once I get the new client out and it's not consuming as much of my time. Right now I'm focused on getting the game in a playable, stable state. The translated ones that don't make sense are Daneos era ones I haven't gotten around to updating yet.

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    • :huh:
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    • =O
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    • :?:
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