[EN] Patch Notes - 2024-12-09 - Budokai/Ranked Battle Tweaks/Classic Dogis!

  • Hey Everyone,

    We're back with another little update for the game! We've made a few PvP changes, released some new dogis, and fixed a few bugs. See below for more information!

    PvP Changes

    • Budokai WMAT titles now wipe when each new tournament starts.
    • Legacy winners have now been awarded the Legacy Champion title.
    • Tenkaichi Budokai Prelim and Finals maps have been added to the Ranked Battle map rotation.
    • RP Arena Ranked Battle spawns have been changed to allow better visibility of teams at the beginning of matches.
    • Kills on plat now give 25 Mudosa Points + 8% for each Gladiator title, stacking with the 2x Ranked Battle event.

    Budokai Schedule

    1st Friday of the month6pm UTC -6Kid Party
    1st Friday9pm UTC -6Kid Solo
    2nd Friday6pm UTC +1Kid Party
    2nd Friday9pm UTC +1Kid Solo
    3rd Friday6pm UTC +6Kid Party
    3rd Friday9pm UTC +6Kid Solo
    4th+ Friday6pm UTC +9Kid Party
    4th+ Friday9pm UTC +9Kid Solo
    1st Saturday6pm UTC -6Adult Party
    1st Saturday9pm UTC -6Adult Solo
    2nd Saturday6pm UTC +1Adult Party
    2nd Saturday9pm UTC +1Adult Solo
    3rd Saturday6pm UTC +6Adult Party
    3rd Saturday9pm UTC +6Adult Solo
    4th+ Saturday6pm UTC +9Adult Party
    4th+ Saturday9pm UTC +9Adult Solo

    Dev Notes on Budo Schedule

    We've drastically reduced the number of Budokais each week, and changed the schedule such that each world region gets at least one tournament during primetime on Friday or Saturday night each month. Additionally, the WMAT titles will be reset each week, so only the current champions each week will have the title. If you want to keep the title, you will need to participate in the tournament each week to defend your title. Previous winners will be awarded the Legacy Champion title and aura to commemorate their wins.

    New Dogis/Misc Changes

    • Goku Go, Turtle School v1/2, Kid Goku v1/2, Bulma Pink Overshirt, Bulma Motorcycle Outfit, and Bulma Winter Outfit have been added to the GP shop and the respective Goku and Bulma outfit capsules.
    • All Winter cosmetics have been discounted in the GP shop and are now available in the Token and Mudosa shops.
    • Name change has been removed from the Token, WP, and Mudosa shops. It is still available in the GP shop. This is to prevent spam of name changes and issues with players losing their names consistently.
    • Vomi Pumpkin 2 pet has been replaced with Vomi, and Vomi pet has been replaced with Android 21.

    • Accepting a guild invitation/changing the guild emblem in any way now prevents equipping/removing gear until you relog. This is to prevent a 1.0 crash bug.
    • Courtesy of Grender and OpenDBO, mobs no longer freeze after autoattacking, and the Poko pet teleport bug has been fixed.

    We hope you enjoy the new, more competitive Budokai schedule and titles, and the new Ranked Battle maps, as well as the new Mudosa rewards for battles at plat! We are currently preparing the 2.0 client for testers, so we will know more about the release date soon. We are still (tentatively) looking at a release around the end of the year, but it's possible there will be delays if the testers find a lot of bugs that require a lot of dev attention. It is likely that Dojo War will either be cut from the initial release, or the release will be delayed for time to implement and test it. We may do a vote on this later. As always, thank you so much for playing and supporting us! We'll see you in game!

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