I'm new to this game, having played for a few days now, and thoroughly enjoying the experience so far! However, I keep getting these very frequent micro-stutters in-game whenever I play, as well as having generally low fps in the 40-50's range. My rig is a fairly decent one, and I am using Windows 11 64-Bit. I have been searching here and on the discord for solutions, and I have already tried a good few of them, but nothing has worked so far at all, so I hope that I can get some support and help for stuff that I can try that I haven't, to hopefully have this issue resolved, which would be fantastic!
Edit: The frequent micro-stutters and generally low fps as well as just not running smoothly, is on top of the 1-2 second big freeze that happens every now and again (which I can understand that everyone has?).
Getting frequent micro-stutters while playing, as well as generally low fps
Hey BeefCakes,
What you're running into is what we'll call a quirk of the engine that I can't fix in this client. I can't go into too much detail because the other servers will likely be able to glean something they probably don't know about how the engine works from the way I'd explain it, but suffice it to say that you won't be able to fix this completely on your end. The client you're using is a somewhat shoddily modified version of the last official client. I'm wrapping up work on our version of an open source client that lets me optimize away some of those woes, with potential for more effective optimization down the road. I'll hopefully have it in your hands in a few weeks, but until then there's not much I can do to help you out, unfortunately.
Hi Verdant.
Thank you very much for your answer/help, I appreciate it!
I'm somewhat glad and relieved by what you wrote. Don't get me wrong, the game as is, is playable and all, and you did a great job with all your work, but the stutter is just frequent enough to be noticeable and a bit bothersome after a longer gaming session. Does everyone have these micro-stutters? Just to be crystal clear, I am not talking about the big 1-2 second freeze that happens occasionally, as to my understanding, everyone has that, due to the current client?
In the hopes that there is something I could try until you get the client 2.0 ready -- and by all means, please take your time making it ripe and good -- I will list some of the things I have tried, as well as some of the things I have not tried, in the hopes that some of it could be what solves my issues.
I have: All the files in a folder named DBOG on my desktop.
I have manually installed .Net Framework 3.5 (I had 4.8 natively installed).
My OS is Windows 11 64-Bit with DirectX 12, but I read your debug note about having DirectX 9 installed (which I do not), so not sure how that would work, if it is at all required? I searched the net, but I learned that you can only have one DirectX installed at a time, so I found a program which I have not installed yet, called DirectX End-User Runtimes, but it seems to not be supported on Windows 11, and again, I am not sure if this is even necessary?
I did not manually allow DBOG.exe through any of my antivirus and antimalware programs (I have a few), but nothing flagged the game or anything as malicious (I know that the game can be falsely flagged as a positive), but after I installed .Net Framework 3.5, my Malwarebytes flagged the Dbog.exe file as a malware program. I then manually allowed it through Malwarebytes, but I have not manually done so with my other programs (pre-installed Windows Defender, my Chili antivirus, and Norton Power Eraser), so could that be what solves my issues?
I have tried the guide from your discord about uncapping the fps, as well as the option to make DBOG.exe run at high performance, but could it be a thing with my monitor? I have a 2k 165hz monitor. I tried the fps uncapping method with both 60 fps, as well as my native monitor setting of 165, but still getting 40-50 fps on the average in-game. I also have V-sync turned off in the in-game settings, as my monitor has G-sync natively. Not sure if this is relevant or not, but thought I should write it just in case.
I could list my PC specs, but not sure if that is even relevant?
I have not tried that Large Address Awareness program that was mentioned on the discord, but I read what you wrote about it on there, that DBO doesn't even come close to the need of running that much memory while gaming, so not sure if I should even try that program or not?
That's all that the things I have tried, as well as stuff that I have read about other people have tried, but personally haven't tried yet. Sorry for my wall of texts; I know you're busy, but I just really want to make sure that perhaps it is something small that I could try, to fix the problem. If not, I can surely live with the performance of the game (again, it runs fine, but you know what I mean), but I would really want to have that butter smooth experience. Thanks for your time! -
You're not going to get above around 60 fps in this client, because of some of the design limitations I alluded to. You don't need to worry about LAA, I've built that into the release build of the client now. What you're getting now is likely the best you'll get out of it for the time being. Those micro stutters are serving a purpose, without putting too fine a point on it. It's not something you can get much more out of, for now at least.
Thank you! I'll hopefully have it to you guys in a couple of weeks.
You're welcome
That would be awesome, but don't stress it, and take your time to perfect it. We can and will wait for it! -
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