Game crashing after a small amount of time of gameplay

  • new update:

    i deleted the files and repaired them. tried launching the game but it shows up "dark", and when i get to the character screen it's all black, except for the character slot and the UI on the left. character not displaying. when i try to launch it from there it gives me an error message:

    debug assertion failed!

    file: dbgdel.cpp

    line: 52

    expression _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(PHead->nBlockUse)

    for informatiom on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see the visual C++ documentation on asserts

  • Hola khortez,

    ¿Puedes intentar eliminar todos los archivos tan/terrain de la carpeta DBOG/pack y luego repararlos nuevamente?

    hola buenas nose bien donde escribirlo asi que te lo comento aqui,cree otro personaje le di lv up 30 y con ese personaje ya no me deja entar en el juego

  • The problem is that you have the game on a Onedrive folder. You need to move it someplace else, the game does not play well with backup services like that.

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