Hello Verdant,
First of all, thank you for your hard work in managing the server. Thanks to your efforts, I’ve been able to thoroughly enjoy Dragon Ball Online. I understand that maintaining the server requires financial support, so I would like to propose some ideas for raising funds.
Premium Dogi Capsule Machine
I suggest adding a Premium Dogi Capsule Machine. This machine would function similarly to the existing Wagu Machine but exclusively offer Premium Dogis that can only be obtained through this new machine In other words, these specific Dogis would not be available anywhere else like anniversity dogi set. Players would need to use Premium Coins to operate the Premium Dogi Capsule Machine. These Premium Coins would be available for purchase exclusively through the GP Shop. Many players are deeply interested in Dogis, so I believe that launching this Premium Dogi Capsule Machine could help generate significant financial support for the server.
Thank you for considering these suggestions, and I hope they help in supporting the server.