the missing Chinese translation

  • Hello, I'm a Taiwanese and would like to play this game in my language(Chinese). I've changed the Game Language in DBOGLauncher to "中文(zh)", the UI and warning texts are in Chinese, but quests and character dialogues are in English.

    After some searching, I found this discussion. So those texts should be included in these files:



    After unpacking these .pak files, I got these .edf files:

    "o_table_quest_text_data.edf" (contains quest text)

    "o_table_text_all_data.edf" (contains all other text)

    So I am wondering, what is causing the game still missing those translation? Here are the thoughts:

    1) Do tbl.pak and tbl0.pak contain Chinese translations?

    I can't decrypt those edf files so I can't confirm this. There was a tool for de/encrypting those edf files, but that link is dead and the forum is no longer open for new registers. If anyone has a method or tool to de/encrypting those edf files, please send help.

    2) Is there a bug that this game can not read tbl.pak and tbl0.pak from localize folder? Is it patchable?

    I know many Taiwanese/Chinese players just settle as it is for now, but it's bugging me that there is already an official Chinese translation and we are not able to see all of it in the game. The DBOG Chinese community seems less active so I'm posting here first.

    Any help will be much appreciated! Thanks to all the effort for keeping this game alive.

  • Verdant

    Approved the thread.
  • Hey dabooa,

    I have those files lying around someplace. I'll double check and if I have them, reupload the correct Chinese translations for you guys. It's not as simple as copying and pasting tbl files but don't worry, should be quick if I've still got the originals.

  • Thank you so much for the quick fix! Today I opened the launcher, auto-downloaded some new patches then start the game, and the game still looks the same...

    By the way, I also tried to switch game language to Korean, since this game should also have an official Korean translation. And it works perfectly, all texts (include dialogue and quest) are in Korean. So it seems the Chinese translation somehow is bugged.

  • Not sure if these information will help but here it goes:

    The installer file "DBOGinstaller.7z" downloaded from, doesn't include tbl.pak files in the "localize/TAIWAN/pack/" folder.

    If I delete all DBOG files and unzip the installer again, edit ConfigOptions.xml, set ignorePatch="True", gameLang="zh", open the launcher, then start the game without downloading any patches, all texts (including UI) are in English.

    If I edit the ConfigOptions.xml, set gameLang="zh", ignorePatch="False", and start the launcher, it will download patches including localized tbl.pak files. And when starting the game, some texts are Chinese, some are English. The date modified of tbl.pak and tbl0.pak shows 1/18 AM 1:31 (UTC +8).

    When I change the game language to English or Korean and download patches, these language localization work correctly.

  • My launcher doensn't download anything new today, so the newest patch are pushed about last Friday..right? If so, nothing changed after the patch, sorry.

    I'm aware all the non-English translations will not 100% cover in-game text. But what I saw so far is like 90% of quest lines are in machine-translated English. And I can find all these quests being translated to Chinese in "table_quest_text_data.xml" shared on Github, which is supposed to be official translations.

    If I switch to Korean, the same quest lines which lack Chinese texts in-game but are included in "table_quest_text_data.xml", will all turn into Korean just fine.

  • Yes I've selected Chinese as the game language, and here's the screenshot. And you can see patially of in-game texts are Chinese from other screenshots I post above: [1] [2]. Those were taken after the patch.

    I can't be sure the launcher has patched my files all correctly, all I can do is open launcher, waiting for new patches, and then start the game. My launcher had download some patch files last Saturday, but nothing changed in-game.

    On my end, the very first quest for a namekian warrior: using scout to scan, is still in English. Could you help to confirm if the same quest is in Chinese in your game? If so, then it might be my game not patched correctly.

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