Problem with energy skills that have a charge meter

  • Hi Verdant.

    I am not entirely sure if this is a technical issue or not, but I believe it is, perhaps something to do with server sync or something, I don't know. But I hope that you can help me out with clarifications on the matter; if it is something I can fix, if it is a part of the client, or something else.

    So, as a Dark Warrior, whenever I use an AoE skill like Energy Siege to gather the mobs, I dash back to line them all up, use Special Beam Cannon with KD to knock them all down, and then I immediately use Demon Wave on them. But here is where the issue lies, because most often (but not always), my character will start the charge-up timer of Demon Wave, but then automatically cancel the attack/charge-up on its own, and start moving towards my current target, again, on its own. It happens so frequently that it is very disruptive to the gameplay, and I have tested around with this issue, and it all seems fine on my end (eg. it is not a range issue, not related to stutter or game freeze, my timing is perfect on my end, etc.), but my best guess is something server-sync-sided, but I don't know.
    It happens most often, if you use a charge-skill like Demon Wave with stuff like increased damage or duration, where you hold down the button for it to activate as you use the skill (I forgot what it's called), on mobs that is out of melee range, but even if you use skills that charge as they are being fired on range (Charged Masenko, for example), and you immediately spam the button for the next attack you want to use, this happens a lot. It just breaks the flow of gameplay and my rotation, and it seems to me it isn't intended to be this way, so I just hope for some clarification and have it explained to me by you. Thanks in advance!

  • Hey BeefCakes,

    I have noticed this as well, and I have noticed it with just autoattacking in general. It's been on my list for a while, but I haven't been able to take a look at it because I can't patch this client. I suspect there is a desync between where the mob is on your screen, and where it actually is, and some range validation happening on the skill logic. I'll be able to take a closer look in the new client that we're releasing, hopefully in the next few weeks!

  • Hi Verdant.

    Thank you very much for getting back to me, I know you are very busy with 2.0, and we all can't wait for you to get it into our hands, so you taking the time to help us guys with various stuff is much appreciated!
    I personally haven't experienced the issue with autoattacking, but it makes sense.
    I think you are totally right about what you wrote, and while I am not tech-savvy at all, it seems to me, to be indeed some sync error thing. That would also explain why sometimes, the physical-attacking mobs will suddenly ''teleport'' to you from far off in a blink.
    Like with the issue I wrote about the micro-stutters, which you eased my mind on, my mind is again at ease thanks to you, as I am glad to read, that it isn't on my end, and that it's something you will be able to fix in the future!
    A little 'trick' one can do to alleviate the in-game problem is, as you have used a skill that have a charge-time, immediately after, as you are about to use another skill with a charge-time, you can either hit Tab to change target, or hit R to go out of auto-attack mode, and then you drastically reduce the number of times your character will cancel the active skill you are using and start moving towards your active target. It isn't perfect, it feels a bit clunky in practice, but it does work/help. I hope you can use this info, for when you have finished 2.0, and really have the tools to fix what lies under the hood 😃

  • Yeah these core combat loop issues have got to get fixed. I'm not sure if that one is present at all on 2.0, but we'll see. I'm discussing with staff on whether or not we're just going to release when I get the current batch of bugs fixed, or go with an open beta and give players access to the test server.

  • I agree. But I have no doubt in my mind, given time, that you will have made incredible amounts of improvements and additions to this game! I mean, you obviously already have, but with your 2.0 toolkit, oh man, exciting new times ahead!!!

    That sounds interesting. I support you, whatever you guys decide is the best choice. Personally, though, I'd rather wait that bit longer, for when you deem it ready for us. Either way, I will gladly find and note down stuff like the above, to help out the best I can. Same goes for bugs and such.

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