The vanishing Crafting Recipes (continued)

  • Hi Verdant.

    I'm opening this thread to continue, and hopefully have fixed this issue with the vanishing (or invisible) crafting recipes once and for all.
    So, I have tried all sorts of @clearcache on different channels, in different places, to no avail. I have also updated, repaired the launcher, and even deleted those tan and terrain files in the folder, but still, the recipes remains missing...
    I then did a test, and learned a whole new original recipe, and after logging out and in again, that one has vanished too from my list. I have provided pictures of the process as proof, I guess. There is now a good few of my desired recipes that are just gone, and I honestly feel very distraught about this, as these were some I had looked forward to acquiring, getting materials for, and ultimately craft, and ones I spent a fair amount of zeni on, etc...
    I hope you can fix this for me. I am honestly bummed out about this whole ordeal.

    Also, I have to say, that I felt, that you implied that I lied, when you posted that GIF. I am not sure whether or not this was your intention, but I can assure you, I am not lying, nor would I gain anything from it, or from taking away precious working time from you. I also deeply hate to be a bother to anyone. Likewise, I also wasn't implying that you deleted those recipes or anything; I am simply stating the fact and truth: that they are just gone from my list now. I just felt that I had to post that, to get it off my chest.

  • Hey BeefCakes,

    I don't think you're lying, I was just joking. Your recipes should return to normal when I reboot the server. If you ping me later today in discord I can restart a channel for you, and we can see if that works! Don't be bummed out, it's all going to be okay. There's almost no damage that can be done to a character that I can't reverse.

  • Hi Verdant.

    I just reached Crafting lvl 35 just now (finally, yess!!!), and I must admit, I am a little excited to finally be able to craft all the stuff, so I was wondering, when are you planning to do the next maintenance? I still can't see my recipes xD

    Is there anything currently you can do to the crafting recipe cap, and if not, do you have plans to increase the cap, or better yet, remove it entirely? I am a collector of sorts, so I would very much like to end up acquiring and learning every single recipe this game has to offer.

  • I'll try to do maintenance Sunday, most likely. If not then, then on the following Monday or Wednesday. The new client work is keeping me pretty busy so I've been neglecting the maintenance schedule a bit. The cap is unlikely to be increased as it's a function of the max packet size the client and server support, so I'd have to paginate to get around it. I have a redesign planned to fix that issue though.

  • Okay, that sounds great! Although I am excited for the crafting now available to me, I can wait, I was just wondering.
    Verdant, please remember to take care of yourself first, we are still here for when 2.0 comes!
    Alright, I see. I am sure you will figure something out!
    If it's not too much to ask, whenever you feel you have a spare second, before you do the next maintenance, could you please remove some more of my old recipes, so I can have a bit more space for the desired endgame ones? I was thinking old recipes for low level Human and Majin stuff. I would like to keep all the Namekian stuff at least, as well as all of my current max lvl recipes, the U kits and Gem recipes etc. I would much appreciate this!

  • Verdant, a completely off-topic thing I was wondering, and hope you will answer for me (as I couldn't find the answer anywhere) is, what exactly does 2.0 entail, when you release it? I know there won't be any new and juicy content, which I am totally fine with, and in fact, I one hundred percent agree and support, that the game should be bug-free, stable and quality of life-filled before any of that! But what I am really wondering is, whenever you write that you are squashing bugs galore for the 2.0, do you mean bugs of the current client that we all play, such as that weird spinning to the right thing when your flight starts to accelerate, the game sound suddenly silences, the display bug where your LP pots and stuff like that won't display the actual current amount you got left, etc? Or are you referring to bugs in the toolkit or program you are making (named 2.0), so you can start to fix all these things? I am very curious of this, and has been for a while.

  • Some of them are bugs that were present in 1.0, but most of them are just new bugs that the testers have found because the code is based on a very old build of the game client that didn't have all the features the client you are using has. 2.0 is just a game client that I can debug and patch more easily than 1.0, because I don't have to decompile it to do so. I actually have the code and can build it and change it.

  • Yess, you have made me see once again, wuhuu! Thanks Verdant, you're the best!!
    Yeah, you are exactly right. 156 current recipes, with space for 44 new ones.
    Thank you for all of your help, I truly appreciate it!

    • :)
    • :(
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    • :P
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    • D:
    • <X
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    • :/
    • :S
    • X/
    • 8)
    • ?(
    • :huh:
    • :rolleyes:
    • <3
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    • :cursing:
    • :thumbdown:
    • :thumbup:
    • :sleeping:
    • :whistling:
    • :evil:
    • :saint:
    • =O
    • :!:
    • :?:
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