Loot Option

  • My Suggestion Is this Make a Loot Option in a Party / Solo Play Where you only get Loot that is For your Race / Races in the Group

    In a TMQ there were so many times where a Namek piece would drop even tho there are only Mains / Humans in the Group Now Im suggesting is in Party Ui ( Where The Options and dungeon settings are there is a Additional Option where the Leader or a party member can Create a VOTE Where all members have to agree on to set the loot to that and ofc there Vote again to switch it back and the Default is All Races Loot when you create a Party

    Also make it where if you for instance switch it to Only Races here loot ( Have not not thought of a name) if a member joins the Vote automatically Happens again incase anyone that member Disagrees

    And Because Members can Start the Vote Make it where for instance a member can only create the vote every 3 minutes or so

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