Suggestion for Inmediate implementation. System email to new players.

  • Ok, I think we all know what things should be said to new players:
    -Read the BUG list tread in the forum.
    -There are no Time Rifts.
    -No Dragon Balls event.
    -No adult quest.
    -No subclass quest.
    -No UD and TMQ.
    -Some quest are bugged.

    I think it would be really great if a system email is sent to every new character created. Or maybe just a notification alert in the middle of the screen asking for reading the Bug list tread in the forum whenever you log in. Always, not only the first time.

  • So you mean to tell me that everytime I create a new character I have to click OK to a panel that appears and says that I have to read the Bug List ? That's not cool and I don't think that anyone would stop their game and rush to the forums to read a 30 page thread, when they are so close to get into the game.

    People should have the decency to at least search in the forums for a question that's same or similar to the one they are going to ask before they open a new thread. That was expected from people that don't know how a forum works (omakaioshin) but they should at least try.

    There is a Pre-Open Beta FAQ that most of the questions-answers are gathered there and they are all in one post.
    Anyway, I suggest moving the search bar from the top of the page, to the top navigation bar and instead of having it somewhere that people can't see it.
    I also suggest that a notification pops before you create a new thread saying "Maybe this question/post has been made before. Are you sure that you want to proceed?" . That would be alot more efficient since the game/character screen has nothing to do with the forum.

  • Pretty off topic but let me answer this once again.

    cant we just get the skills for free that we cannot get with the quests , since all will be wiped anyway when the beta starts...

    Why can't you understand that the game at it's current state (being Pre-Open Beta) is to test anything that is available to us. The skills won't matter at all if the quests are bugged/glitched and don't work when Open Beta comes and we still have problems.
    The reason that we won't get the skills is for people to do it the normal way and check if the quests are working correctly or are bugged/glitched while you are inside your own instance (that's what happens when you enter a Time Leap Quest rift or a UD on your own) or when you enter your party's instance (reffering to TMQ,UD etc).
    Also if we get the skills now for free like we got the flying skill (which didn't have any instace involved) , I'm sure that the 90% of our current player base wouldn't even create a new character and level him in order to go and do the TLQs. It would be too much work for them.

    I hope that now you understand why we aren't given the other passive skills for free.

  • So you mean to tell me that everytime I create a new character I have to click OK to a panel that appears and says that I have to read the Bug List ? That's not cool and I don't think that anyone would stop their game and rush to the forums to read a 30 page thread, when they are so close to get into the game.

    People should have the decency to at least search in the forums for a question that's same or similar to the one they are going to ask before they open a new thread. That was expected from people that don't know how a forum works (omakaioshin) but they should at least try.

    There is a Pre-Open Beta FAQ that most of the questions-answers are gathered there and they are all in one post.
    Anyway, I suggest moving the search bar from the top of the page, to the top navigation bar and instead of having it somewhere that people can't see it.
    I also suggest that a notification pops before you create a new thread saying "Maybe this question/post has been made before. Are you sure that you want to proceed?" . That would be alot more efficient since the game/character screen has nothing to do with the forum.

    This is not the idea,the idea is a message in the chat or mail system saying "This is a pre beta bugs are expected" or a mail saying "
    -Read the BUG list tread in the forum.
    -There are no Time Rifts.
    -No Dragon Balls event.
    -No adult quest.
    -No subclass quest.
    -No UD and TMQ.
    -Some quest are bugged.
    nothing like a panel forcing you to read the bug list.

  • Please read again what I said and what Phonon said.. I don't like repeating myself.

  • Ok, sorry if I didn't explain myself very well, as English is not my first language. I don't know if you played original DBO Taiwan, but there, there was times when the Tori-bot appeared giving some messages like "The server will restart" or "Dragon Ball event will start" or whatever. Actually I can't remember what exactly those messages used to say. So my idea was to show a message like that, appearing during 5 seconds or so, every time you log in, and then it dissappear. Just to let the players notice it and don't leave them to miss it if only appears when you are playing for the very first time. Sorry again for my English.

  • Ok, sorry if I didn't explain myself very well, as English is not my first language. I don't know if you played original DBO Taiwan, but there, there was times when the Tori-bot appeared giving some messages like "The server will restart" or "Dragon Ball event will start" or whatever. Actually I can't remember what exactly those messages used to say. So my idea was to show a message like that, appearing during 5 seconds or so, every time you log in, and then it dissappear. Just to let the players notice it and don't leave them to miss it if only appears when you are playing for the very first time. Sorry again for my English.

    They could use this system to make announcements, news in game:

  • Pretty off topic but let me answer this once again.

    Why can't you understand that the game at it's current state (being Pre-Open Beta) is to test anything that is available to us. The skills won't matter at all if the quests are bugged/glitched and don't work when Open Beta comes and we still have problems.The reason that we won't get the skills is for people to do it the normal way and check if the quests are working correctly or are bugged/glitched while you are inside your own instance (that's what happens when you enter a Time Leap Quest rift or a UD on your own) or when you enter your party's instance (reffering to TMQ,UD etc).
    Also if we get the skills now for free like we got the flying skill (which didn't have any instace involved) , I'm sure that the 90% of our current player base wouldn't even create a new character and level him in order to go and do the TLQs. It would be too much work for them.

    I hope that now you understand why we aren't given the other passive skills for free.

    the skills work , like power up . thats what i mean .. DUDE

  • the skills work , like power up . thats what i mean .. DUDE

    I know what you mean, I understand what you mean. But the thing is that you don't understand what I say.
    In order to get the TLQ skills you must enter a seperate instance for yourself. That's what Daneos is working on right now. Also now that you know what I mean, go read the post again. It will make more sense...

  • I know what you mean, I understand what you mean. But the thing is that you don't understand what I say. In order to get the TLQ skills you must enter a seperate instance for yourself. That's what Daneos is working on right now. Also now that you know what I mean, go read the post again. It will make more sense...

    i also get what u mean , i just figured since everything is beeing wiped when open beta starts , why the hell not.
    also i seem to be bustin your balls so nevermind the post, i'll just wait for it to come.


  • good idea in principle but to be honest it wont do much,if someone is to lazy to use google to look for an answer on a question they have i doubt they will take the time to read a mail or announcement.

    apart from that we got the fact that im willing to bet that half or more of the players have never played an mmo,just look at chat...never in my life have i seen so many players use caps and spam the shit out of the shout channel,age wise it just looks like a chat filled with prebuscent spoiled teens with a lot of anger issues,hell its even worst than barrens chat in wow back in the day...and ive been an avid mmo player since the days of AO,UO,DAOCSWG,etc,etc.

    and to add insult to injury we currently live in the era of the ''menows'' while its a good idea it wont be of much use...

    **menows is the current generation of gamers which is all about ME ME ME and NOW NOW NOW hence the term i came up with,menows**

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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