Welcome to my thread in which I will be posting all mods that I have created
Feel free to post a request and I will consider making it for you
Note: These mods are clinetside only. That means, only you will be able to see modified content. There is no possiblity of recieving a ban, since my mods are not intervening with the server files.
Remember to always backup your files! I'm not responsible for any of your mistakes!
Gogeta's Fusion Outfit
Replaces: Gotenks Dogi
Texture name: HLS_COS_117
File containing it: Tex37.pak
Race: H/N/M/F
Goku's Yardrat Outfit
Replaces: Yardrat Dogi
Texture name: HLS_COS_36
File containing it: Tex38.pak
Race: H/N/M/F
Vegeta's Whis Symbol Battle Suit
Replaces: 21lv Crafted Saiyan Armor Set
Texture name: A_BS_06
File containing it: Tex27.pak
Race: H
No Armor Shine On Upgraded Gear
Texture name: -
File containing it: Scr0.pak
Race: H/N/M/F
Mad Face Upon Super Saiyan
Texture name: -
File containing it: Tex37.pak
Race: H/F
Coming soon...
Goku Gi ('Go' and Roshi Emblem)
Replaces: Goku Dogi (King Kai and Roshi Emblem)
Race: H/N/M/F
Anime Roshi Student's Gi Color
Replaces: Goku, Krillin and Yamcha's Textures
Invisible Gloves
Replaces: All Gloves
Texture name: -
File containing it: prop0.pak
Race: H/N/M/F
White Korin
Replaces: Korin
Texture name: N_KRN
File containing it: Tex13.pak
Video Tutorial on Modding
Coming soon! For now there are README files in all mod packages. Stay tuned!
H - Human
N - Namek
M - Majin
[size=12]F[size=12] - Female