I am sure 99% of the community agrees with me. Why was this implemented this way? Why are we forced to hide our dogis if we want to hide our gear? It wasn't like this in TW. Please just keep the function to hide gear but let people show their dogis...
Posts by 2pro4u
I'm going to suggest a method to you, wait until there are 100 wagu left to start gambling.
that doesn't work. The number is there for decoration. It's all rng.
Casi puedo confirmar, (después de varios días dejando que mi amigo mate todos los enemigos que yo veo en el radar, y no caiga ninguna) que si ves tu el icono en el radar, y lo mata un miembro del grupo, no dejara bola.
Han sido varios cientos de enemigos, con 0 bolas, solo caían, si el mataba los que el veía el icono.
Me resulta raro, que el juego te obligue a matar solo, o hacer que otro te haga todo el trabajo si quieres ir de cacería de bolas en grupo...
Y si ha sido mala suerte con los drops... demasiada mala suerte, dado que hay sido cientos de enemigos.
no es mala suerte, asi es como funciona. Si tu la ves tu eres el unico que la puede cojer
Stop the flame or the thread will get closed please. And smh to the people saying that they don’t believe me. If I had gotten such good stats, why would I even waste my time here creating this thread. Why would I even lie about that? Makes no sense to me. And I said this on my initial post, don’t come and tell me that you got max “x good stat” on “x item” with 1 box or w/e because that’s just being lucky as f, no other way to put it. I created this thread because unless we do something, the only boxes in the game will be the ones obtained through wagu once in a blue moon and the 1 box per 2 coins and 500k from boss event. I got news for you all, boxes are being used at a much faster rate that they are replenished and that’s what will end up happening. Prices skyrocketing and boxes incredibly inflated, I can’t belive people within their mental capabilities might want that....
The staff already said they arent planning on changing them so GG
and this is perfect for a meme hhhh
How, are you gonna pay us 6000$ not to win???
so tell me back in tw days paradise was under those support guild to call it like that hiding behinde kaio and end up being enemies with them and with other big guild remaning basically a dead guild who believes they going to become big in this version ?
this will be last you hear from me so listen carefully
you guys thinks your guild is big and win allot
wow gz winning 3 times scramble who got the wish ?? accessories??
wow gz winning KID budokai make a huge brag about it in forum (meanwhile having hard time in Adult cant even get far...)
wow gz keeping your dojo and still fails in budokai LOGIC
the fact you guys talking too much about your guild is prove that you have not meet other guild who are a threat for you guys .. except Ryosai basically you guys with help of other guild cant kill 3-4 members makes huge sense.. (go stand in line waste htb to kill 1 player after wasting 5 or more from each guild)
call us plat warriors we will rape whatever guild who wish to become enemies.
you guys talking so big in these 2 lvl cap that has been out yet in lvl 70 cap you guys regret everything basically don't overreact too much about stuff happening now...
the nerve you bringing that up is like asking us PE ally with Undisputed and Ryosai some makes it unbeatable guild basically you guys are asking us to get bored fighting weak guild who having hard time in scramble and in plat wars smh also you ask us to get bored watching the same guild get spam killed..
tbh reading more of this thread is just bs calling PE a support guild and cant even handle 4-6 members wtf where is the sense
Come at me bro, loool. U guys think u so op until you get defeated with your “ultimate guild”
Attack us with ryosai, undisputed and public combined, hell even throw a 4th one if u want. You will still lose.
when u cant accept a loss
equal numbers and still crying and it was like 4 public kkkkk
what plat loss? Tell me whenever u wanna have a plat war and I'll make sure you all regret it.
P.S. after taking 8000 htbs from u guys
i thought Champions are paradise ally ..
they are, they just tried their luck once
Waiting for undisputed and ryosai again.
Just bring back the bot check simple. When u do it u get an extra 5% phy/eng attack
If it’s so easy, why arent u full +15? Lol
Smh, people crying because there are some +15s made with 9999999 tokens lol ?♂️
aaaah ahora si... como se que tienes un fighter por eso no te creia xd :v
jajaja tengo muchas cuentas pero si el fighter es la principal y la que todos conocen
acaray que buena suerte... Como que 21+ esferas? pues minimo prro eres un hack o estas bug con las esferas :v
uso ultimate majin, tienen 2 spins que matan a todos facil. Cojes a muchos mobs juntos y los matas rapido con 1 spin. Cojes a otro bulto y lo matas con el 2nd spin. Y asi
yo solo tengo 2 bolas, nunca he podido cojer mas -_-
...ok no, solo un chiste. Con respecto a tu pregunta, si tu los matas y ves el icono, mas nadie lo podra ver y mas nadie tendra la posibilidad de cojer las "esferas". Asi que solo busca un lugar dodne hayan muchos mobs, los matas a todos, espera a que salgan y repite esto. Con el systema actual es posible cojer 21+ esferas en las 4 horas.
Nope Stopped at 17 I just said I just kept going out of ANGER and to actually see how broken Browns can be. Comes with the territory of how bad the randomness of this game can be. A few days ago with 10 boxes though I boxed 17% gloves and 19% speed stick which is decent for 55. This games upgrading and boxing makes me want to play in traffic sometimes or jump for joy its just how to goes. I'm all revamping the cash shop and token shop as well as prices, I will bring it up for sure.
thank you, finally someone understand that this rng system sucks..
But there we go, you're specifically looking for DEX. I was looking for ANY decent stat on earrings - when I get a good stat I either give the earring to a friend who can use it, keep it for myself, or sell it. I wanted Prop earrings when i boxed my 55 earrings, but I kept the cooldown earrings anyway because they were useful. I wanted prop earrings on the second set of earrings I was boxing, but I gave them to Ruves because they were ALSO cooldown, and I boxed a different set of earrings for props. If I sold them, they would provide a return on my investment. You only use that many boxes with no return on your investment because you CHOOSE not to gain a return on your investment, whereas I choose to make profit where I can during my boxing.
Also, you mention the luck card but I don't deal in luck - I deal in Statistics. If I consistently box earrings and get decent stats with a small amount of boxes, I'm lead to believe that I'm not the one with good luck, you're the one with bad luck.Perhaps if you felt less entitled to a stat higher than the max on rare level 55 gear you would be more successful?
ALSO, please note that I say DECENT stats, as it's obvious that to get the best you should have to invest large amounts of effort OR money in your case. Boxes are fine.
what? did u not read what i said? The max is 25... The highest I was able to get was 21
I think boxes are fine, but I have an issue with one point you made in your main post in particular -
Also, it takes hundreds of boxes in most cases to get a good effect in ONE item so this is definitely an issue that needs to be solved ASAP. My suggestion is simple, add boxes to the cash shop and these benefits will manifest:
Perhaps if you consider 10 props a good stat, it may take 100 boxes to finally obtain it, but with 20 boxes I boxed 2 decent prop earrings on rare mudosa level 50 (6 and 7 prop) and also 2 decent cooldown earrings (10 and 12) with the same 20 boxes. I'm not saying this happens with everyone, but as with all things RNG, there is a statistical probability of things happening and in an infinite number of tries, you will see a pattern. What might take 100 boxes for you may take that 100 because you want 1 specific stat, but a player can simply keep the items with a decent stat or sell them to obtain more boxes - so making them available in the cash shop again would be a problem. Making them available in the cash shop would also make it easier to become a currency in the game - not because of them being tradeable in the case of them being bound on purchase -but because a cash shop price for brown boxes would act as a benchmark for the price of tradeable brown boxes in comparison to tradeables in the cash shop.
In the end, I'll have to agree with boxbox here -
Looks like you really need to become a box in order to understand the box.
Well, let me give u some numbers here. I have used over 500 boxes on my gear hoping for 21-25 dex. You know how many of them fall within that range? Only 1 and has 21.... 500 boxes and the max i could get was 21 dex. Now, if u find that fair and rewarding then i think there is a problem. I wasnt looking for 1 specific thing like 25 dex, just 21-25 and that was the result. Now of couse some lucky dude might use 2 boxes and get 2 10 prop earrings but that’s only
the 0.000000001% of us. Like I said dont bring up that card because u being lucky doesnt concern anyone but you.
Waiting for a reply from the staff like.... Daneos Tempest Hardlockforum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/1573/