In game there are Time Machine Quests, that allow You to back in time to most important stories in DBZ and help original DBZ heroes in battle. Anyway there are many iconic places its nice to see if You saw anime. I would recommend You to watch DB and DBZ. I probably would never touch any DB game if I would never watch DB/DBZ as a kid xd.
Or at least watch any video like this
Dragon Ball Explained In 15 Minutes - YouTube
and dbz
Posts by Tummi
Quest says about Thunder Fist And Trabolta, You probably killed only Thunder Fist or only Trabolta and dropped 1st item.
Siemka mam pytanie jak sie miewa polskie community na tym serwie i czy jest sens szukac ludzi do "Niedzielnego Pykana" w DBOG ?
Mega doswiadczenia nie mam bo juz zaponnialem co i jak.
Wiec gram glownie dla fun i z sentymentu Wiec przydal bysie ktos do pogadania i do luznej gierki.Piona
Wydaje mi się, że żaden z z serwerów DBO Cie nie zadowoli. Ostatnio grałem na DBOG to populacja była taka sobie, polaków mało. Zenkai w fazie testów więc póki co tez nie ma co grać. Obecnie ta gra jest umarła na jakimkolwiek serwerze. Na początku był fun bo powstał pierwszy priv po długiej przerwie od oficjala in na DBO:G były w ciul tłumy. Chętnie bym, sobie pograł na jakimś serwerze tak od zera. Na DBOG jak ostatnio logowałem to na turnieju te same mordy walczyły. Najwięksi maniacy którzy zostali w tej umarłej grze. Na jakąś wielką polską gildie raczej nie masz co liczyć, ale powodzenia : )
PS: 15 lat? Tyle DBO już ma?! -
Może być ciężko. Jacyś tam polacy grają ale jak ostatnio grywałem to nie pamiętam by jakaś gildia była.
Verdant You're too patient dev. I admire You.
Awww why Human cant use Piccolo outifit. Problems with character model? Coudn't Piccolo outfit change human body/feets into namekian?
Był restart postaci po przejęciu serwera przez Verdanta. Wszyscy którzy mieli jakieś tam levele dostali na start +30 level up i inne pierdoły. Nic odzyskasz nic, musisz od nowa zbierać.
I see lf party for ud/tmq/cc all the time on Trade channel so i think thats not the problem.
To feel more progress I thought to add something like buff or mechanic that with every level we get like 0.5% movement speed (so +35% on 70). 1% would be probably too op.
Ofc. This buff would be disabled on PvP, Rankeds PvP, Budokai, maybe Scramble channel, all these PvP competitions. We all know why.
What do You think Guys? It would give boost to PvE, speed runs, farming.
Same thing could happen to boosted Flying.
What about 2.0 client? When Daneos was still "owner" of DBOG, there was 2.0 with no freezes If i good remember. But he delay wipe + 2.0 client officialy all the time.
And we sit on 1.0 all the time now?
As a player i think stutter win10 freezes should be priority now, not new things / level cap. I get used to stutter, but its still annyoing and always be.
Why except my main i level up Grand and Ultima?
This is first idea to make usefull dogi that no one ever use. Sounds interesting.
I dont know why so many times players ask for day/night mode (as often as for new transforms). I like when its day only and night when shenron is summoned, but its only my opinion. I dont like night in games so much. Also i like that there's night in specific places like "Dark Namek" map. Makes unique atmosphere.
I remember played one dbo server, with DB super sounds, music etc. After taking 5 quests in row it was... ouhh xD. Brother asked me what the fuck i doing xD.
Okay but why? do you mean transparant or invisible? if by invisible, then why? they give no stats and are purely cosmetic items so there's no reason for them to be invisible, and as for transparent again, why?
Dogi balls that add stats to every cosmetic gear (hat, mask, dogi etc.) Dogi Balls Effects [GUIDE] - Player Guides - DBOG Forum (
(Currently we cannot get any dogi ball in game)
Well if You want bonuses from dogi balls like attack speed in hat, energy crit = u need to use wings, wear gohan mask to get cd reduction etc... You're forced to wear them
at the end u going like christmas tree. There are people that would like to have all benefits without that.
If I have some free time, I'll see if I can't do an invisible gloves mod for you guys when I patch.
Transparent Mask/Glasses/Halo/Wings/Backpack/Hat and Dogi please.
In 70 level cap there are maybe 3 good spots on Papaya. On Daneos version 90% of time busy.
If "Not busy" with short orange bar hurt ur eyes, its better to decrease players cap on every channel. I don't care if its "Not busy" or "Full" channel. I visited yesterday 3 other DBO servers and Global is most crowded, especially in korin on main channel. Making one channel to show it as "Full" is lying and trying to show that server is popular. Now its easy to find farming spot, if need team or something i just go to ch0 (usually this one is most crowded) to korin or use trade. Have fun!
As for invisible dogi iam up. There're some mmo that got "invisible" gear. I would love to use invisible halo/wings/mask to not looks like christmas tree, and got bonuses from dogi balls.