DBO is my favorite MMORPG, besides it was the first one I played, I'm very sad that it ended up this way and just having to wait for a project to work. My dream is to launch a Dragon Ball MMOROPG as good as DBO
(by google translator)
DBO is my favorite MMORPG, besides it was the first one I played, I'm very sad that it ended up this way and just having to wait for a project to work. My dream is to launch a Dragon Ball MMOROPG as good as DBO
(by google translator)
Não aconselho a você compartilhar dados com qualquer um. Neste caso o melhor é que você entre em contato com os ADM's do fórum através do https://forum.dboglobal.to/ticketsystem/
alguem me ajuda eu jogava o game alguns meses atraz daí eu instalei de novo e o jogo não abre quando clico em start ele fica em transparente
vai na pasta raiz do jogo e procura um arquivo chamado " Update.exe ", se ele estiver lá é só executar...
please, I need a build for PvP and I can not find anything current after the changes made in this class
on pvp, focus gloves, hitrate sub-weapon , and Con set, do they work in general?
I know there are better classes for PvP, but I did not want to use my Grand Chef solely for PvE, I think you understand me.
Here are some ideas
It would be cool if the game notified in system chat when one player defeated the other in the arena example: Player1 defeated Player2.
or when the player wins the Duel, in addition to showing in the system chat, a notification balloon of Winner appears on top of the character.
Notices around the arena showing that someone is defeating many people in the arena, for example: Player1 has defeated "number x of players" and is dominating.
It would also be interesting to gain points by participating in the arena, the number of points won could be based on the level of the player, if the adversary defeated is very low level beyond yours, you will not receive points, and so there is no free kill, could have a negative effect on dying.
I liked this Idea without thinking lmao. Still good but why Cell Ring? As Gekori wrote, the Cell Ring is used for some quests.
So how about using the Budkai Platform right next to Cell Ring? It's already set up and ready to be used...
yea! I did not express myself correctly, the idea was to use the Budokai platform, I think that Cell ring is the reference of the place. The Budokai platform is much better to become pvp as it has more space and places to sit on the side. I just think the arena is a bit high to climb, it would be good to make the stairs a little better, because you have to keep jumping to climb, it kind of shows the opponent that you want to enter, in case the player is off the ladder in a low part. Without doubt it is a great place for pvp.
Sorry for any errors, I use an xD translator.
Turn the Cell Ring into another PvP platform.
Daneos once opened a vote on the subject and people liked the idea, but then no one else talked about it. If the Arena Cell is transformed into a pvp area, Daneos must change something in the quests that are nearby, because players who have nothing to do, could get in the way of level 47 people to kill the monsters that appear after accepting some missions, but thinking better, maybe this would happen in more isolated cases, but anyway, I think with the old client it was not possible to transform there into pvp area, we will now see with the new client.
I would like to see a statement from the team about speculation regarding a possible reset on the server! I know that so far this subject is only debated between players who agree and disagree. I do not want keep playing knowing that the time invested in the character will be thrown away.
would a build suitable for pve and a little pvp be possible? and how is it?
is it confirmed that multi-client will be removed?
me too, disconnecting at all times
Estos son los llamados "buffs del dragón", ellos se adquiere cuando usted reúne las 7 esferas del dragón en el nivel 20, se pueden obtener en los eventos de las dragon balls, pero para eso usted tiene que tener un scouter especial *Common Dragonball hunt information*
Wish list and Shenron Summoning.
(prestar atención a la zona correcta para tomar preguntas, esta zona está diseñado para enviar sugerencias)
Você tem que esperar exatamente os 7 dias após resetar sua build
To com um problema na quest de adulto. eu estava fazendo ela ja tinha praticamente terminado eu estava indo pra torre de karin pra poder fazer a ultima parte, dai o servidor resetou,e quando voltou a quest não tava la e qnd eu uso o item fala que deu quest failed. alguma ajuda?
Oi, já tive um problema parecido.
1) Aperte " J " e remova todas a missões, depois troque de canal e suba na torre Karin e veja se tem alguma missão.
2) Se você já completou todas as missões que o Mestre Karin te deu em cima da torre e só tem que fazer a quest do item para buscar a sub-classe, abandone a quest falhada e tente ativar o item de novo.
3) Se você já saiu do jogo, trocou de canal, abandonou todas as quests e mesmo assim a sua missão fica dando falha quando você tenta aceitar-la, entre em contato com a equipe DBOG, pois assim como aconteceu comigo, sua missão de sub-classe bugou, porque você tomou desconexão em um momento muito especifico e deu esse erro no seu personagem.
4) Entre em contato com a equipe através do Ticket-Support , abra um novo ticket explicando sua situação, quanto mais detalhes é melhor, se possível envie print's em sequencia mostrando que a missão não pode seguir adiante e eles vão tomar as medidas possíveis.
5) Recomendo que você não faça quest's para subir de nível enquanto estiver com esse problema, pois pode ser que você tenha que iniciar um novo personagem, mas espere a conclusão do ADM.
Espero ter ajudado
Yes it is! I already saw mods of sounds in youtube where the sounds of the skills were different, now I just do not know to tell you in which file you have to edit.
including I use a pack of sounds from a mod here right from the forum that replaces the sound of Kamehameha: Dbo Global [V1.50] Sublime Sound Mod [Ost Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z & Super]
you can deposit them in the bank and collect new Dragon Balls, if you pick up new balls with the ones you already have in the inventory, the new ones will come dark and unused. it is worth noting that if you do not order during the time that Shenlong appears, he will take 1 of his Dragon Ball's
Luck Wheel
An event in which the player collects special items (chips / coins) dropped from the mobs of 5 levels down or above (like the Dragon balls) and then use these coins to spin a "Dragon Wheel", and receive temporary and permanent prizes in the game, such as: Dogi's (permanent / temporary, Upgrade Stones, Exp Boost, consumable items)
Access to luck wheel could be by the site itself. The player collects the "coins" that are deposited as if they were the cash, then the player will come to the site, rotate the Roulette in search of the prizes.
with this could also add a new title "Big Luck" that could be obvios after winning a special item of the wheel.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------
Bonus when completing a set "x"
When you complete in equipment set you get a bonus attribute for each added piece,
Example: (Armor x) + (Pants x) + (Boot x) = 4% physical defense (Attribute may vary with Set)
(Gloves x) + (sub-weapon x) = 3% En.attack or phy.Attack
Title: when completing a certain set the player gains a title referring to the equipment used, Example: "Dragon skin" "The indestructible"
More Titles
Important date title event, for example: 1 year DBOG, 2 years ...
Conquest with prizes: When accomplishing an achievement the player can receive consumable / temporary items, such as: Zeni's, accessories, automatic healing potion ...
and finally, an event in which a special mob appears randomly, and when the player kills it has a chance to drop rings, earrings, temporary collars and also cards that can be exchanged for chests with random rewards, including titles.
I apologize for any errors in English, I'm using a translator
Display MoreHello,
Follow these steps to solve the issue:
1) Open start menu.
2) Search for turn windows features on or off
3) Make sure everything is checked in ".NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)" & ".NET framework 4.7 Advanced services"
If it still doesn't work, move your game folder onto your desktop.
Follow these steps https://forum.dboglobal.to/new…boglauncher-won-t-update/
If it doesn't work contact us by Support Ticket.