You can't really balance PVE in this game without creating an impact on PVP and vice-versa. So from a PVPer point of view this nerf isn't good, and from a PVEer point of view ya'll need to stop thinking that a speed parties are the only way to get CC done, traditional tanks can still tank CC, less practical but still doable. People will always find an easier way to beat instances.
Actually there is a way,its called class restrictions and can be applied on instances,as budokai being an instance, it can be done,although as a private server it can be harsh due to emulation,which might be transferred as lag.
I disagree with the whole thread nerf,but i agree in the role part,classes are there to make the change and not to be all the same,well almost the same,gear is the most enigmatic aspect of the game,which in a common way,they should enhance class abilities and not the base stats of it,base stats should be standard for every different class and untouchable,transformations and buffs should be the only way to increase those.
Upgrade should increase ability stats,attributes and properties,not base defense and attack,at least not that much.
Everyone should have at least 2 characters to fully enjoy the game and not having 1 main with 3 or more different gear sets to have fun.
Anyways,hope life is treating everyone well,enjoy life,thanks for reading,cya around...cheers