Posts by Proxymime

    Soo waiting 40 min or less is problem for you... Why you need to have transformation ON at all, you can do most of stuffs in normal form...

    There are lots of reasons why one might want to change channels while on ssj a few would be:

    - lag issues

    - party being in different channel

    - people come grind where u are grinding

    - event happening on different channel

    - ccbd

    and a few others, not all is black and white

    i do agree tho that if you log out (not DC) you should lose ss

    im sorry, unfortunately thats not enough proof to ban them... I agree, they should get banned, but unless you catch them in the act of actually bugging, nothing can be done... U yourself have +15 stick, you could have bugged that +15 for all we know, should we ban you too? Of course not.... Its just what it is, that my prove that the item probably got cloned, but we wont know who duped or if they bought it cloned get it?

    I would love to see them banned, but not enough evidence

    honestly I have a pure buu acc and i would say plasma (its what I decided in the end), for its energy attack passives and the CD skill... Then make an ultimate and chef to buff you while pve. Thats what I did :D works well

    i think sk have to much def and high dmg that why 90% game are all sk ,because other class dont have dmg and def . I cant undedtant why sk +10 do more dmg , if i have all +15 that patethic

    What you talking about? 90% are MA


    and those are the ones that cry the most

    P.s hsperer stop making these threads over and over again, op dmg wont be coming back like it did, just deal with it. You played 2 days with that dmg and all you cry about is that now

    its not really a bug, or they would have fixed it, its just an unfinished map. i think its cool that people should check it out since they are playing the game and see what could have been the future for the game. no advantage comes from it.

    i think that to get to turtle island u have to fly over the barrier, wayyy up high as i think the barrier has an end. not like the other map which the barrier is infinite.

    not sure tho

    não sei se é um bug mas os inimigos q eu enfrento estão causando muito dano em mim mais do q o normal,sendo que meus equipamentos estão com 100% de durabilidade e o oposto tambem acontece eu causo mais danos neles do q o normal.

    OBS:ISSO COMEÇOU NO DIA 20/07/2017

    estamos todos, daneos os colocou bem forte, tá impossível de matar mais q 3 ao mesmo tempo agr... Foda, espero q ele ponha de volta ao normal

    we might be slightly stronger, but with mobs still dodging the way they were before plus with added strength makes them way too op. From one mob lvl43 with my chef lvl 43 with +11 armor on all im getting hit 500-800 per hit lool... I left afk to see how fast they killed me. In 8s I was dead lol when before it still took a while. Hope daneos knows this, makes grinding and pve really a pain