Posts by Kirito



    • Balance
      • Skill "Sword Slash" now has knockdown RP effect at Level 2. Cooldown changed to 12 seconds for Level 2 and 3.
      • Skills "Fan Out" and "Master Fan Out" now reduce movement speed by 4 on all skill levels.
      • Buff "Crane Discharge" can now stack with Ultimate Majin's "Miraculous Cheering".
      • Skills "Spirit Wave", "Energy Heat Wave", "Spirit Tongs" & "Spiritual Sensation" RP cooldown effect changed to 10/12/16/20/25s and RP increase duration effect changed to 2/2/3/3/4s.
      • Skill "Put out the Flames" switched "Cures Burn" effect with "RP Increases by 100".
      • The "CC Duration Decreased" effect based on FOC has been updated. It now depends on how much bonus FOC you have and not on your total FOC.


    • Skill "Energy Recovery" Level 1 no longer shows the second effect.
    • Confusion from skill "Storm" now reduced by Anti-CC Reduction.
    • Fixed an issue with not showing a target's target.
    • Pulling a sleeping target with a skill now wakes up the target.
    • Curing Poison and Stomachache (Abdominal Pain) with items.
    • Getting disconnected when having 0 movement speed.
    • Unable to login to a new created character without relogging.


    Reminder that all forum rules still apply here. If you want to leave any suggestions and express your opinions, please do so in a civilized manner.

    Versión en Español

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    Version en Français



    • Equilíbrio
      • A Skill de Swordsman "Energy Recovery" foi ajustada. Agora dá mais RP e tem menos cooldown.
        -- Rank 1 > 100RP > XX CD
        -- Rank 2 > 200RP (+100) > XX CD
        -- Rank 3 > 200RP (+100) > XX CD
        -- Rank 4 > 200RP (+0) > XX CD
        -- Rank 5 > 300RP (+200) > XX CD
        -- Rank 6 > 300RP (+200) > XX CD
      • O Knockdown de skills com distancia de 3m ou menos já não pode ser bloqueado (ativação instantânea).
      • A skill passiva de Swordsman "Evade Up" agora tem "Reduz custo de EP por X%" como um segundo efeito.
        -- Rank 1 > 19% de redução
        -- Rank 2 > 25% de redução
        -- Rank 3 > 32% de redução
        -- Rank 4 > 41% de redução
      • A skill de Swordsman "Sword Slash" Rank 4 tem agora o efeito de RP de Knockdown. Além disso, o cooldown foi aumentado.
        -- Rank 1 > 6 cooldown (sem mudança)
        -- Rank 2 > 6 -> 8 cooldown (+2)
        -- Rank 3 > 6 -> 10 cooldown (+4)
        -- Rank 4 > 6 -> 12 cooldown (+6)
      • A skill de Swordsman "Multiple Sword Slashes" Rank 4 já não tem o efeito de RP de Knockdown.
      • A skill de Swordsman "Penetrate" levou buff.
        -- Rank 1 > 16 Dex -> 10 Dex
        -- Rank 2 > 18 Dex -> 15 Dex + Aumenta Physical Critical Damage por 2%
        -- Rank 3 > 20 Dex -> 20 Dex + Aumenta Physical Critical Damage por 3%
        -- Rank 4 > 23 Dex -> 25 Dex + Aumenta Physical Critical Damage por 4%
        -- Rank 5 > 26 Dex -> 29 Dex + Aumenta Physical Critical Damage por 5%
      • Skill de Martial Artist "Prepared to Roar" - o decresço da defesa física foi nerfado.
        -- Rank 1 > 5% (sem mudança)
        -- Rank 2 > 10% -> 5% (-5)
        -- Rank 3 > 15% -> 5% (-10)
        -- Rank 4 > 20% -> 5% (-15)
      • Efeito "Dano aumentado por 1.5x quando atacando por trás" - a fórmula foi alterada.


    • Bug abusivo relacionado com logout durante Party Budokai.


    Lembre-se que todas as regras do foro aplicam-se aqui. Se você quiser deixar uma sugestão ou expressar a sua opinião pode faze-lo de maneira civilizada.

    Version in English
    Versión en Español
    Version en Français



    • Balance
      • Swordsman skill "Energy Recovery" has been adjusted. It now gives more RP and has less cooldown.
        -- Rank 1 > 100RP > XX CD
        -- Rank 2 > 200RP (+100) > XX CD
        -- Rank 3 > 200RP (+100) > XX CD
        -- Rank 4 > 200RP (+0) > XX CD
        -- Rank 5 > 300RP (+200) > XX CD
        -- Rank 6 > 300RP (+200) > XX CD
      • Knockdown of skills with range of 3m or less can no longer be blocked (instant activation).
      • Swordsman passive skill "Evade Up" now has "Reduce EP cost by X%" as a second effect.
        -- Rank 1 > 19% reduction
        -- Rank 2 > 25% reduction
        -- Rank 3 > 32% reduction
        -- Rank 4 > 41% reduction
      • Swordsman skill "Sword Slash" Rank 4 now has the Knockdown RP effect. Also, cooldown has been increased.
        -- Rank 1 > 6 cooldown (no change)
        -- Rank 2 > 6 -> 8 cooldown (+2)
        -- Rank 3 > 6 -> 10 cooldown (+4)
        -- Rank 4 > 6 -> 12 cooldown (+6)
      • Swordsman skill "Multiple Sword Slashes" Rank 4's Knockdown RP effect has been removed.
      • Swordsman skill "Penetrate" buffed.
        -- Rank 1 > 16 Dex -> 10 Dex
        -- Rank 2 > 18 Dex -> 15 Dex + Increase Physical Critical Damage by 2%
        -- Rank 3 > 20 Dex -> 20 Dex + Increase Physical Critical Damage by 3%
        -- Rank 4 > 23 Dex -> 25 Dex + Increase Physical Critical Damage by 4%
        -- Rank 5 > 26 Dex -> 29 Dex + Increase Physical Critical Damage by 5%
      • Martial Artist skill "Prepared to Roar" Physical Defense decrease has been nerfed.
        -- Rank 1 > 5% (no change)
        -- Rank 2 > 10% -> 5% (-5)
        -- Rank 3 > 15% -> 5% (-10)
        -- Rank 4 > 20% -> 5% (-15)
      • Effect "Damage increased by 1.5x when attacking from behind" now changed to a different formula.


    • Party Budokai logout exploit.


    Reminder that all forum rules still apply here. If you want to leave any suggestions and express your opinions, please do so in a civilized manner.

    Versión en Español

    Versão em Português
    Version en Français



    • Equilíbro
      • A duração da invencibilidade do Storm Strike foi aumentada.
        Lv 1 = 2s; Lv 2 = 2.1s; Lv 3 = 2.2s; Lv 4 = 2.4s; Lv 5 = 2.5s.
      • Foi adicionado o efeito de RP "redução de cooldown" ao Storm Strike Lv 5.
      • O dano bonus crítico de efeitos de abilidade foi ajustado.
        Nota: A calculadora do site vai estar atualizada.


    Lembre-se que todas as regras do foro aplicam-se aqui. Se você quiser deixar uma sugestão ou expressar a sua opinião pode faze-lo de maneira civilizada.

    Version in English
    Versión en Español
    Version en Français



    • Balance
      • Storm Strike's invincibility duration has been increased.
        Lv 1 = 2s; Lv 2 = 2.1s; Lv 3 = 2.2s; Lv 4 = 2.4s; Lv 5 = 2.5s.
      • Added RP effect "cooldown reduction" to Storm Strike Lv 5 (-5 seconds).
      • Critical bonus damage on skill effects has been adjusted.


    Reminder that all forum rules still apply here. If you want to leave any suggestions and express your opinions, please do so in a civilized manner.

    Versión en Español

    Versão em Português
    Version en Français



    • Equilíbrio
      • Abilidades que não precisem de um alvo (como Storm Strike) podem agora ser usadas sem ser preciso haverem alvos perto do jogador.
      • O ataque "Storm Strike" agora dá um buff de invencibilidade de 2 segundos, em qualquer nível.
      • O debuff "Intimidation" mudou de Hit Rate para FOC.
        Cooldown: Lv 1 = 32 seg / Lv 2 = 36 seg / Lv 3 = 40 seg.
        Duração: Lv 1, 2 and 3 = 15 segundos.
      • O debuff "Yield" mudou de CON para Max LP.
      • O buff "Spirited Roar" agora reduz Energy Defense por 4%, 5%, 5%, 6%, 6%, 7% & 7%.
      • A abilidade passiva "Ki Burst" agora dá 15, 20, 25, 30 & 38 ENG bonus.
      • A fórmula para o efeito "Dano aumenta quando um ataque crítico é executado" foi atualizada.
      • Update:
        - O efeito de RP do ataque "Storm Strike" reduzir o cooldown foi removed.
        - A duração do cooldown do ataque "Storm Strike" foi mudado. Lv 1 = 50, Lv 2 = 45, Lv 3 = 38, Lv 4 = 32 & Lv 5 = 25 segundos. Antes, era 24 segundos em todos os níveis.
        - A fórmula para o efeito "Dano aumenta quando um ataque crítico é executado" foi atualizada novamente (pequeno nerf).


    Lembre-se que todas as regras do foro aplicam-se aqui. Se você quiser deixar uma sugestão ou expressar a sua opinião pode faze-lo de maneira civilizada.

    Version in English

    Versión en Español
    Version en Français



    • Balance
      • Skills that don't need to be appointed to a target (like Storm Strike) can now be used without targets being around the player.
      • Skill "Storm Strike" now gives a 2 second invincibility buff at any level.
      • Skill "Intimidation" changed from Hit Rate to FOC.
        Cooldown: Lv 1 = 32 sec / Lv 2 = 36 sec / Lv 3 = 40 sec.
        Duration: Lv 1, 2 and 3 = 15 seconds.
      • Skill "Yield" changed from CON to Max LP.
      • Skill "Spirited Roar" now decreases Energy Defense by 4%, 5%, 5%, 6%, 6%, 7% & 7%.
      • Passive Skill "Ki Burst" now gives 15, 20, 25, 30 & 38 ENG bonus.
      • The formula for the skill effect "Damage increases when a critical hit is successful" has been updated.
      • Update:
        - Skill "Storm Strike" RP effect "decrease cooldown" removed.
        - Skill "Storm Strike" cool down duration changed. Lv 1 = 50, Lv 2 = 45, Lv 3 = 38, Lv 4 = 32 & Lv 5 = 25 seconds. Old was 24 Seconds on all levels.
        - The formula for the skill effect "Damage increases when a critical hit is successful" has been updated again. (A bit nerfed).


    Reminder that all forum rules still apply here. If you want to leave any suggestions and express your opinions, please do so in a civilized manner.

    Versión en Español

    Versão em Português
    Version en Français



    • Balance
      • Crit bonus from behind removed for all classes, except Swordsman.
      • Switched the current mechanic to hide gear. Dogi ON = hidden equipment and cannot be scanned.


    • Fixed a bug where the Dogi Ball wouldn't be consumed upon use when failing.


    Reminder that all forum rules still apply here. If you want to leave any suggestions and express your opinions, please do so in a civilized manner.

    Versión en Español

    Versão em Português
    Version en Français

    This is not the place to report players; you should use the ticket system. However, Daneos is looking into that player's logs (as well as any other sellers who are suspected of bot farming).


    what a joke of a reply from Daneos...

    edit: i didn't see that this was from 2016, hopefully Daneos has changed his stance on the situation considering how many botters there are now.

    That was in 2016 when there was no GM's around.

    This, but even back then, it still made sense. Aside from the fact that he has to spend most of the time looking at coding, he (or anyone else) is not going to magically know where the bots are and when they are active. GMs are banning bots everyday and you can easily help by reporting in a ticket with video proof.

    So, go out there and record some bots whenever you run across them, if you want to help the cause. However, if you don't have video proof, nothing can be done so don't even bother in that case.

    If you're not able to record, at best you can either ask someone else to, or tell us on Discord, just in case someone might be available at that very moment to go check it out.

    Long story short, if Daneos could release the client now and then these features over time, every week, he probably would. The thing is, it's impossible. Those features can't be done on the current client and almost everything needs to be re-written.

    The breakthrough for this client came a bit unexpected at the time, but Daneos wouldn't do it if it wasn't necessary. The new update, as well as the potential for future updates with this client will definitely be worth the wait.

    A lot can happen and it might even be released sooner than expected, who knows. It will be a while, but if you want to take a break until then or quit, that's entirely up to you and each person individually. We'll still be here and it's better to do this now than later, otherwise it would've taken even longer and it will also work to ensure a much better Level 70 cap.




    • Upgrade bonus was not correctly calculated if the weapon/armor had very low stats.
    • Movements left & turn left, left & turn right, right & turn right and right & turn left coordinate calculation fixed.
    • Flight movement calculation fixed.
    • Staying inside the dash animation when losing all movement speed during a dash.


    Reminder that all forum rules still apply here. If you want to leave any suggestions and express your opinions, please do so in a civilized manner.

    Versión en Español

    Versão em Português
    Version en Français