Posts by Jotah
Some of the mudosa prices are insane btw, also there is no rewards for kid budokai coin
Half January cap 55
that option is no good then why the hell did you farmed 24/7 in world, TMQ or CCBD for your gears to get broken and bumm delete your item?
who upgrades without white?
There is a lot of white stones on ah xd
Bind stones? Are you serious guys?! What the hell. So who play this game without spend real money, how can should make some zenis? Idk what is wrong with you all. The upgrade system is okay right now. Maybe should be a little more easiest like 4%/5% successful added in every upgrade
this will make game less p2w
I know people who just cash, sell cash items by zeni, and use zeni to buy stones... There is a lot of people who never farmed a single stone and have full +15 gears.
- Reduce success rate over +10 as retail
- Make success of green/purple +2-3
- White stone broken back to +0
- Broken with no white = delete item
(Oh shit i miss DBO TW)
- Possibility of get stones from cc/boss event/bid
- Upgrade stack: use idk 20-30 blue/red stones and get +10 item.
Make bind all stones.
People will not can buy stones from zeni generated by cash (less p2w) This will make everyone should play to get his upgrade.
Nice event!
You should do this frequently, to keep active the community.
Good luck everyone!
PS: Nerf crits
4. Reduce brown boxes extremly and increase the chance to drop good effects
i wasted over 150 boxes on my cc90 pants and still no good effect :s
U gotta show the ppl who use real money some love too, afterall they pay for server rent ?
Yep sure, thank you Skedar
Honestly, as long as it doesn't make the game p2w again I don't care what route this takes.
P2W again?
This game is already P2W, cashers sell cash items and make easy zeni.
Btw I like the idea of boxes binded of cash shop!
Good luck!
Zebiru kurwa
Foriuken viado
yeah, i do actually have the 1803 one. do you think an update would change it?
i heard Daneos is working in some fix for this issue.
The other thing that u can do is try to rollback the update to older compilation (17xx), or just format, install updates and disable windows updates when there is installation of newer version.
didn't work for me
which compilation of win 10 do you have?
i heard there is issues with 1803
PARADISE gave you their dojo for free on purpose you scrubs. They're bored and majority of their players doesn't even play anymore.
Faze gifted too?
That's a bold and misleading claim with not much to back it up. I wouldn't say that it's easier to upgrade now. There are pros and cons to both upgrade systems for why A is worse than B and vice versa. There's also a higher drop rate(not always the case, as sometimes it can be really shit) aka more upgrading attempts. The fail/break rate now is also extraordinarily high now when compared to what it was compared to Retail. I can guarantee you 90% of the players you see with plus 15 are buggers. I doubt as many players farmed back then due to just how unrewarding it was, spending hours and hours of your life span just to get nothing out of it. Most players were too busy trying to figure out how the game worked due to the language barrier to focus on going higher than plus 11. Maybe I'm wrong and that upgrade right now is much easier now, although it's completely based on luck, nothing to do with difficulty. The fail/break to success rate ratio definitely makes up for the higher drop rate, and since Adv stones give 1-3(not 2-3 like it was in retail) it makes up for the less severe upgrade level decrease from break. From what I can understand the white stones being a drop, and with the language barrier gone's probably the reason why you see so many more players with "high" upgrades. Although you also have to take into consideration that most players who still play DBO probably play this game quite frequently/cash a decent amount.
That has nothing to do with the upgrade system, that's strictly tied to the damage calculations.
I got a friend full +15, not bugger, just full cash
Upgrade is pretty easier now
You know 2x team budokai is only gonna be fun for faze and ryosai
Just if you and ryosai defeat Karin xD
you dont understand.
People who already have finished all their crafts, just go there to help friends or get blue coins for exchange into brown boxes.
But continue to gain circuits, and cannot be used for anything.
This is why i suggest to make tickets, use circuits.
i understand, but how many people have already finished cc90/100? 20 people?
Better idea for circuits would be:
10x alpha = 1 beta and continuing....
Farmea recoge todo y vende al npc, también ve ítems baratos en subasta, y revendes
I think this suggestion would be good. However your prices are not good.
Better suggestion would be
CC51F = 7 x 90F beta circuit
CC71F = 10x 100F gama circuit
What's the point of waste circuits on tickets?
Oh I will claim 7 beta to go cc90 and get 1 beta circuit...
Think in a fair way, not everyone "Cash a lot"