It seems to work fine for me:
Posts by Hagane
I have disconnect in TMQ3 due to attacking dinosaur which is seen in video or either loosing aggro of the one who is following me. Also possibility that I got in range with Gohan's NPC trigger.
Video: here
It only crashes if you have popo resurrect candy from popo gift box, the item remains unused when you log back in from crash. Will be able to upload video in few hours of me crashing several times in a row trying it out.
When you are moving inside of vehicle either forward or backwards and you exit vehicle, your location rollbacks.
Video: here
If you have targeted friendly NPC and use damaging skill while having selected friendly NPC on enemy MOB, character starts attacking friendly NPC target with auto attacks. Doesn't work on players.
Video: here
While fighting mobs you are able to paralyze and knock them down during paralyze debuff and as you can see mob is knocked down since I was unable to use another paralyze while he is down. On PvP it works fine, it doesn't let you knock down during paralyze.
Video: here
This is because new client folder is read only in properties, so its unable to save such changes.
Same thing with trying to collect quest items, need to unmount first
While I target enemy can't use AOE Heal such as Divine Healing and Kami's Mercy (This one just charges ups) and Healing over Time buff Ultimate Kami's Touch. Getting error message "No target has been appointed."
Every quest which reward has staff weapon gave no reward but experience so far. Inventory was not full, selected staff as reward before completing.
one of quests which give no reward but exp:
Got also stuck after completing this quest to this following NPC near tmq2:
When completing a quest who has a chain quest and new one pop ups (chain) after canceling it with ESC and completing another quest, chain quest disappeared and I couldn't pick it up nor find it. Encountered multiple times, previous time, it appeared after few seconds.
During last part for quest, NPC who helps fight dragon is bugged. His LP bar doesn't update. Tried casting heals, heal dots health bar stayed the same.
After completing namekian quest "Popo stone" character is stuck talking with Edler Moori. Can't cancel conversation or in general interaction with NPC. Reloging helps to unstuck.
Visual bug occurs during tutorial step "Opening Skills Window", "Open character window". Red square doesn't go around "Skills", shows incorrect spot. Tried with few characters, seems to happen everytime when you open Menu
Purchasing item EX High Ultimate EXP Boost [1 Hour] from cash shop after confirming causes client to crash and when you try to access "Equipment" tab in cash shop it also will crash client.
How about not nerfing attack speed, but instead buffing skill damage for PvE by certain %, so it could match/compete with speed? That way you wouldn't destroy classes such as Poko and Karma.
So basically like Black Desert Online family name?
I support this if new client will remove ability to multi account as supposed and many people will use one main account.
right now we're asured that a new client will be out. If the DBOG team wants to have a good time to see their work being appraised and supported by a higher player base then they should advertise this new client and why it stands out more than other games.
They made video for Open beta release, it got popular, I think it was close to 1mil views but it was taken down due to copyright issues. So if they try to advertise again it will be same outcome and NTL/Bandai might try to take down this server again.
Got few ideas regarding budokai/pvp to make it more like old versions or better:
- Team budokai preliminaries: Whole party spawn together, not scattered away from each other.
- Seed system change, not sure why it wasn't made since release during POB: seed owners scattered across whole RO32.
- Updating attribute system, so you wouldn't just loose or gain 10/5 props by either removing it (making it count as 1:1) or decreasing advantage/disadvantage.
- Running out from arena during preliminaries should count as minus kill and knock outs should count as additional kill.