Posts by Santo

    It is always good to see people coming back to the game. Right now the game is pretty decent in combat and the speed looks well done, still needs some little aspects to fix but its enjoyable.

    Hay un post en ingles sobre esto, y lo que pasa es que hay 2 factores que incrementan tanto estos precios.

    La economia del juego en este momento esta moviendo mucho dinero en los niveles mas altos. Es dificil encontrar a alguien nivel 70 con menos de 20kk.

    El drop de las piedras de nivel 70, es tan bajo y tan raro que salgan que sus precios se elevan de sobre manera. Gracias a ello los niveles 70, que son la mayoria de los que venden dogis, deben aumentar el precio de los dogis para compensar lo que cuestan las piedras de upgrade. Y ya que no hay mucha variedad en lo que se puede gastar, todo se recarga en lo cosmetico, que son los dogis y accesorios.

    La unica manera en que pueden bajar sus precios, es calibrar el drop de las piedras, que afectan directamente a los dogis O bajar el precio de los dogis en cash points.

    You are not able to buy Scouters from the scouters Merchants, it says Invalid Class.

    Also, Cranes have the possibility to use abbilities after using their Freeze curse. They are suposed to not use them while in that state, or they will loose it.

    • Guild member (JR master): more than 2 people can be promoted to JR master. The others (the ones promoted after the first 2 JR masters) will look as a JR master in the guild and the rank cannot be taken away, only by removing them from the guild.
    • Guild member (maxed slots of JR master purchased): Members that have been promoted after the capacity of JR masters have been maxed, do not change towards the JR master rank.


    Not at all, example (this is what actually happened). My guild had the possibility to have 3 jr masters, I didn't buy the 4th jr. But I could make another member a Jr master without buying the last slot. For some reason it simply said that I promoted a member to Jr master and he appeared with the dragon icon in MY guild list, so everything was normal, but when I tried to remove the Jr master of that person, the game said that that wasn't a jr master, the only way to fix it was removing the person from the guild.

    I bought the last slot to simply solve it and give the player the rank. And then I tried to check if it was still bugged and yes, after having the max Jr masters possible, the option to give Jr's was still working infinite times giving the message "player promoted to jr master" every time, but in the list they were just normal players so nothing happened.

    The main bug is in the first part when you don't have the slots for Jrs and its a visual bug to only the Master of the guild, and doesn't matter if you relog. The only way to fix it is to expel the member. And after having all jrs slots, the master still will recieve the message of promoting another player but nothing will happen.

    It's hard to explain.

    Hello, I want to add a bug, if you don't have the max number of Jr Masters you can still make more people JR master, but they will be bugged for the Master of the guild, they will look as JR Master but they can't add people and they don't see themselves as Jr Master in the guild list. And if you already have your maximum number of Jr Master you still have the option to make more people as Jr but nothing will happen, you will only get "Xplayer has been promoted to Jr Master", but the list will look the same.

    I don't know if this is reported already, but the mails on your mailbox are not appearing (at least not all of them) even if you just recieved 2 mails, you can only see one. You have to relog every single time you want to see more than 1 mail. It's pretty annoying.

    The only solution I've seen after reading the entire thread is to create an npc with an specific price for all kind of stones, earrings, rings, etc. So it will make people sell them with a lower price, people will be still getting a lot of money selling items cheaper than the official shop.


    Saludos, nuestra guild se llama GameHunters. Estamos buscando gente bastante activa con ganas de trabajar bastante en equipo en hacer UD's, TMQ's y CC Floors. Aceptamos de todos los niveles y razas siempre y cuando sean activos. Nos gusta colaborar mucho, todos somos muy respetuosos y amigables, una vez que entres esperaremos que seas igual :) Solo aceptamos gente que hable español, no importa que seas Latino o Español, eres bienvenido.

    Tenemos grupo en Facebook y en Discord, una vez que entres podrás entrar a dichos links.

    Contactanos para poder unirte! En caso de que cambién los estaré actualizando. Última actualización: 10/07/2017

    • ElSanto (Master)
    • Humano (Jr)
    • Carontes (Jr)
    • TheGoske (Jr)
    • Mateoss (Jr)


    • Ser activo por lo menos una vez a la semana.
    • Ser respetuoso con todos, usa sentido común.
    • Colaborar con otros integrantes si estás disponible.
    • Hablar sólo Español.
    • Diviértete, es un juego y queremos crear una familia.

    Te estaremos esperando!

    Saludos, en Game Hunters estamos reclutando mucha gente activa. Si deseas unírtenos con gusto te agrego. Soy ElSanto.

    I have noticed most decent gear (yes lvl 70 crafted too), is SUPER cheap. Like, I saw several days in a row, someone trying to sell Majin crafted boots +5 with like 27 CON for like 25 kk. And nobody was buying it lmao. I already have 28CON boots +4 so I didn't really need it, but it was ludicrous to see something like that selling so cheap while a single u70 blue is like practically the same price -.-

    Must be a really good guy xD I've seen CON 28 for 90 - 120kk